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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162 Prepare for the battle ahead.

Martin stared blankly at his brother as if he had gone mad. “Oh really?”

“We both know you’ll never be happy as the king, Martin.” William said almost gently. “You always let everyone around you control every move you made. I could see it in your eyes that you never wanted this for yourself. I can give you the chance to be free in the world. TO not have these responsibilities on your shoulders.”

Martin slowly looked William up and down as if he was sizing him up for the first time. A bit of distaste lingered on his lips. “So you think I would let you take my place, is that it? That’s why you’re here? You want me to leave so you can have my crown?”

“I’ve brought the rogues to the palace to agree on peace“

“And that suddenly makes you the better ruler? Because you brought a bunch of rogues to the palace?” Martin scoffed and took a step back. “Father didn’t make you the crown prince because you’re irresponsible, careless, and reckless. You never cared for anything but yourself in your life.”

William’s snowy cheeks had tinted red. Doris slowly moved closer to Enzo incase they needed to flee this battle between blood. “Father only made you the crown prince because you were born first and he knew he could mold you into another useless version of himself! All you do is let him control your thoughts as well as your rotten mother. Nothing that has ever come out of your mouth has been from your leadership.”

Martin’s hands curled into fists at his sides. “I am more capable of being the king. More than

you will ever hope to be.”

“You just tried to run away with your brother’s lady-which wasn’t the first time you took something of mine. You were ready to drop this kingdom even with the king sick. Even knowing that he could die and you would have to take his place-you just offered to leave it all.”

Martin swallowed. “I would make the better king. There is no way I would ever give you my throne.”

“I plan on taking the crown with or without your blessing.” William said through his teeth. “I have an army that is ready to take it if you refuse. I could have the here in hours.”

“You have an army?” Martin laughed. “That’s rich. Father wouldn’t even let you have your own pack.”

“I don’t need a pack to raise an army. I need loyalty, which is something you have never gained. How could you when all you do is repeat what others tell you to say?” William took a step back. “I will ask you one more time to give up the crown. I don’t want to force this.”

“Even if I wanted to, Jack is after me. I doubt he would be willing to give up the crown any

more than me.”

“You can pass the crown along to me if you requested it-you know that.” William said. She could tell he was doing his best to stay as professional and calm as he could. A vein popped out on the side of his neck and was a telltale sign that his patience was running thin.

“Jack would challenge you for the crown if I did something like that.” Martin smirked at William as if it was all one big joke they were all in on. “You think I don’t have what it takes? You are the last person this kingdom would put their faith in. Everyone for miles knows how you are. You use women like they’re nothing and ruin them. You ride out your days with no worries or responsibilities-not like the rest of us. They all see you as a pathetic prince that sleeps until noon.”

*They would all be wrong.” William said emotionlessly. “If they knew that there wasn’t a single thought in your mind for the well being of this kingdom, they would throw you out themselves.”

“They would kiss my feet if they knew I would continue the leadership father has brought on.” Martin hissed. “You are the only joke of this palace. Didn’t you ever wonder why father had made sure you didn’t make a fool of this palace? Because he knew you would destroy us if you had the chance. Nobody has ever had faith in you.”

William let the silence engulf them, Doris was almost afraid to breathe. This wasn’t a matter that neither she nor Enzo could speak on. All they could do was blend into the bookshelves and pray they didn’t notice them. Doris had never seen this harsh side of Prince Martin. Each day he grew more different from the version of him she had in her mind.

“Your idea of reason is blind to all but your needs. As always.” Martin said. “If you thought | was going to give you my crown without a fight, then father was right when he said he didn’t trust your judgments.”.

“I’ll see you on the battlefield, brother.” William said before he walked out the door. Doris and Enzo quickly followed after him so that they weren’t left with Martin.

We should give him time to cool off.” Doris slowed her steps and Enzo did as well. “He normally needs time alone with his thoughts after something like this.”


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