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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 94

Winnie felt as if she were dreaming, and couldn’t believe that the person in front of her was Brian.

She asked in a low voice. Because of the coldness, her voice was a little hoarse.

"Why are you here?"

"You've been out for such a long time without your cell phone. Now it’s raining. If I didn't come to find you, I'm afraid that you'll die in the rain!"

It was a little malevolent for Brian to say so, but he couldn't control himself because Winnie had worried him too much.

"I won't die. I have a lot of things to do and a lot of debts to pay. I don't have the right to die."

Winnie failed to restrain herself and smiled bitterly. There were tears in her eyes again.


When Brian was about to reproach her loudly, he accidentally touched her forehead.

"Your forehead's burning. Have you got a fever?"

Brian put his hand on Winnie's forehead and tried to figure out if she really got a fever.

"Really? Have I got a fever? It's not bad to have a fever. In the past four years when I was not here, I didn't even dare to allow myself fall ill. Now, I finally dare to allow myself fall ill. It proves that my life is getting better."

Winnie said desolately. As a matter of fact, her life wasn't getting better, but getting more miserable.

"Are you delirious? You’re talking nonsense."

Brian said coldly, but it made his heart ache to hear that.

He understood what she meant by saying those words, but he didn't know what she had gone through in the past four years. What a difficult life did she live in those years? She couldn't even allow herself to get sick.

He not only pitied her, but also loved her... Love...It was impossible. He had a beloved woman. Winnie was just a temporary substitute. His feelings for her were far from to be called love.

Brian withdrew his hand, looked straight, started the car and drove towards home.

Winnie felt it was getting colder and couldn’t help shivering. However, she didn't tell Brian.

She leaned her head against the window feebly, looked outside at the still heavy rain and felt a sense of loss.

"Is your beloved woman nice?"

Winnie asked casually. She wasn't fishing for information, but just wanted to know if that woman would be as vicious as Penny.

After keeping silent for a while, Brian answered.

"Yes, she is."


Although Brian said so, Winnie was still a little worried.

"Brian, let's make an agreement. If that woman doesn't like Luke after she comes back, you'll let me to take Luke away. Anyway, he'll be able to grow up healthily with my company."

She could let Luke grow up healthily both physically and mentally. Neither Penny nor that woman could achieve that.


Brian was completely silent and couldn't gave the answer Winnie wanted.

Feeling disappointed again, Winnie closed her eyes and told herself not to think about something impossible.

Back in home, her fever worsened. Brian wanted to take her to the hospital, but Winnie was determined not to go. After taking a shower and changing into dry clothes, Winnie was weak, but she found the medicine and took a few pills. After that, she lay down in bed and curled up under the quilt.

Seeing that Winnie didn't ask him for any help, Brian was a little angry. However, he had to restrain himself from losing his temper with her because she was sick.

Standing by the bed, Brian was worried when he saw her pale face. Finally, he turned off the light and lay down beside Winnie.

He held Winnie into his arms in hopes that she would feel warmer. However, he found that Winnie was burning all over.

"Let’s go to the hospital. Or it would affect your brain."

Brian tried to persuade her.

"Never mind. My brain is dull anyway. There's no need to go to the hospital. Just sleep. Hold me in your arms. I'll be fine after I sweat."

Winnie said in a low and bleak tone.

Brian had no alternative but to try to warm her by cuddling her.

The next morning, Winnie got up and found that breakfast was ready.

"Did you prepare the breakfast?"

Winnie asked when Brian came over from the kitchen.

"Of course. Who else would do it?"

Brian answered in a cold way.

"Thank you! It never occurs to me that I can have the breakfast prepared by you."

Winnie said while looking at the substantial breakfast on the table. Although the food didn't look good, she was happy that he had prepared it for her.

"You should have a rest at home today and don’t go anywhere."

Brian ordered.

Last night, Winnie got wet from rain and had a high fever. Her fever wasn't gone until this morning. He was worried that she would be too weak to work.

"Oh, I'll stay home."

Winnie agreed and then went to ask the two kids to have breakfast.

In fact, she had woken up for a long time, after which she lay in bed and wondered what to do in the future. Finally, she came to the conclusion that she had to face it bravely.

Therefore, she was lively now and was ready to face sufferings in the future.

They lived a plain life for a few days. Every day, Winnie went to and from work on time and slept in the same bed with Brian. Every day, they four had meals together.

After dinner, they watched TV and ate fruit in the living room.

"Mommy, your phone is ringing."

Originally, Megan was watching cartoon attentively. Perhaps being disturbed by the ringing Winnie's mobile phone, there was a trace of complaint in her tone.

Hearing that, Winnie was going to get the phone, but Luke had handed her the phone.

"Auntie, here you are."

"Thank you, Luke!"


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