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His Doll novel Chapter 57

Abhinav's p.o.v

" Bhai, sign the papers. Just divorce her. I never thought that I am helping the daughter of my mother's murderer," Arnav said angrily giving me the papers.

He came to meet me at the jail and told me to sign the divorce papers. He is very devastated after hearing our mother's reason of death and our father's identity.

I took the paper from his hand and tore it down into pieces and threw it on his face.

I said angrily," Fuck these papers. I will never give up on my Devika and my children".

" You did the right thing. I never thought that I am supporting my mother's murderer's daughter. If I knew the truth then I might have never helped her," Arnav said with a hurtful yet angry voice.

No sooner had he told those words than my palm landed on his face.

I said grabbing his collar," She is also a victim of her mother's schemes. Don't blame her. I have already damaged her unknowingly. She was innocent"

This time he held my shoulder and said shaking me," Bhai, come into your senses, she doesn't love you. You will find a far better person than her. After coming out of jail, you can marry another woman who will not be a murderer's daughter. Let her go with her children. You don't need her."

Hearing him, my blood gets boiled and I slapped him hard on his face again. How dare he tell me to marry another woman! I only love my Devika.

I warned him resting my hand on his shoulder," Don't you dare to tell me what I should do. I will never let her go. She is the mother of my children. She is mine. She is my wife."

He is going to open his mouth again when I said sternly," Until I am in jail, always keep your watch on her. Though I have given her enough property to lead her life peacefully, make sure that she doesn't face any kind of difficulty."

" I used to be her friend. Not anymore. Nor I like her nor I hate her. I just can not accept a murderer's daughter as my bhabhi(sister-in-law). I don't give any shit about her. But, I will keep my watch on your children. After all, I am their uncle" Arnav said and smiled at me.

" Do as I say. Her mother deceived her.  It's not her......" I couldn't complete my sentence when he said giving me a sinister smile," Bhai, that bitch is suffering. I can't wait for that day when we will kill her".

" shh..... Don't say all this here. Bhabani Gupta will get what she deserves. You can't even imagine what I am planning for her. And Don't blame my wife. If I knew that bhabani didn't just do injustice with my family, she also did injustice with Devika and Kamlesh uncle then I might have never hurt Devika," I said pulling my hairs. I am regretting whatever I have done with Devika.

" Bhai, I am sorry for going against you. please, forgive me," Arnav said holding my hands.

I said patting his head," You are still that little Arnav who used to break my toys and then apologise to not punish you. Hmm.!! How many times you will apologise? I have already forgiven you. Don't say sorry. I deserve all this for hurting an innocent girl like Devika. You did the right thing. Forgive me for misunderstanding you"

This time he hugged me and said crying," No, bhai. You don't deserve all this. You have tolerated enough. Thank you that you have told me everything about our childhood. The cruelty you have faced, if I were you then I might have not survived. I am lucky that I have a brother like you. Don't ask for forgiveness. I should ask for your forgiveness for going against my brother. You were always right."

I wiped his tears and said joining our forehead," If you love your brother then take care of Devika and my children until I return."

" I don't know about Devika but I will keep my watch on your children. Your children are also my children. Those 4 small bunnies are a bundle of joys," He said smiling.

I asked him seriously," You are saying that Devika is our mother's murderer's daughter. Do you know about your Apeksha's identity?

Yes, I know about Apeksha and Arnav's relationship. Arnav told me that he met Apeksha when he went to a Doctor's conference in Mumbai. She was in charge of security there. They both fell in love there and now wants to marry each other.

" What do you mean?" He asked me frowning his brows

I said taking a deep breath," She is Bhabani's elder daughter. She is Kamlesh uncle's elder daughter."

I can see his shocked expression. He said surprisingly," That means we both have loved our mother's murderer's daughters!!"

I said resting my right hand on his left shoulder,"  The mistakes I have done with Devika, don't repeat those mistakes with Apeksha. Promise me."

He wasn't believing my words about Apeksha. I told him that I heard Devika and Apeksha's conversation and that's when I come to know that Apeksha is Bhabani's elder daughter.

" That woman is really something. My hand is itching to kill her right now," Arnav said fisting his palms.

I said giving a sinister smile at him," Do what I am telling you to do with that woman. Remember one thing that she shouldn't die. If she refuses to eat then feed her forcefully. Torture her and then treat her. Continue all this until I return. She will die by my hands"

He nodded his head and going to say something when a constable came and informed him that the meeting time is over.

" Take care bhai. Take medicines regularly. Don't worry about your children. I will inform you everything about them," He said and hugged me tightly.

I patted his back and said smiling," Take care of Arushi and Avantika always. After me, you are their guardian. Take care of Ruhani ma also. She is always tensed about me".

He assured me that he will handle everything and left the jail. I am feeling a little bit relaxed after having my brother's support. I have done the right thing by telling him everything.


( Seeing Bhabani Gupta I remembered everything about my present and past. I remembered how I spent my time in the mental hospital and how Devika took care of mine.

After Bhabani's trial on the court, we all came back to our home. I couldn't meet my eyes with Devika because I am ashamed of myself. I thought that by hurting Devika I am hurting her mother. But, I was wrong. That woman never cared for Devika.

Now, I am sitting in my study room and thinking about how to apologise to Devika when an angry Arnav entered my room. He is totally shocked after hearing Bhabani's wrongdoings towards my family.

Before I could say something he said angrily," Today you have to tell me everything about our childhood, our mother, our father and the relation between Bhabani Gupta and our mother."

" You don't have to know anything. Just for......" I couldn't complete my sentence when he banged his hands on my table and yelled," Enough, bhai. I am not a child anymore. You have to tell me everything. I am your brother."

Looking at his eyes I become surprised. There is no fear for me in his eyes. I can only see anger and loath in his eyes. I understood that today he will not leave me until I tell him every truth.

I sighed and started saying everything about our family.


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