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His Lost Lycan Luna (Jessica Hall) novel Chapter 53

Read His Lost Lycan Luna by Jessica Hall Chapter 53 – Kyson POV

Gannon never returned all night. I waited for the mind link to open up and tell me she started shifting, but once midnight came and went and the sun rose, I peered out toward the stables in the distance through my window. Gannon stood out front, and I saw Abbie rushing down the dirt path toward her.

It angered me that Abbie would defy orders and go to her. I told everyone to steer clear of the stables.

Opening the mind link, I felt for Gannon’s tether when my door opened and Damian stepped in. “She never shifted,” he stated.

“I figured that much out already,” I told him, my tone clipped. Damian glanced around the room and shook his head.

“You’re drunk and clearly haven’t slept,” he snapped disapprovingly.


“I was waiting for her to shift,”

“And the bottles?” He asks, picking up an empty one and tossing it at the fireplace.


“I don’t need your scolding, Damian,” I answered, walking over to my bed and lying down.

“She never shifted,” Damian stated again.

“I am aware,”

“Gannon said all night she was fretting, trying to nest with the d**n horses. You are delaying her,” Damian yelled at me. His anger was beginning to bother me and it was getting to the point, I would have to put him in his place.

“I am doing no such thing; I had her put outside where the d**n moon is, so don’t blame me for her not shifting. She is probably the oddity that gets the traits and does not shift,” Damian growled at my words though deep down, I knew it was because of me. I could feel her distress, just couldn’t bring myself to go to her.

“At least f*****g heal her hand and stop being a jerk,” he snarled, storming off to my closet. He comes out with some of my clothes in his arms.

“We are moving her to the east wing, your old room. That’s where she will be when you get over yourself.” Damian tells me.

“I don’t want her in the castle,”

“Too bad, I am not having my Queen in the f*****g stables like some farm animal,” Damian snapped before walking out and slamming the door. I sighed before glaring at the picture of my sister on top of the bedside table drawer.

Maybe he was right, and I was being irrational, yet I couldn’t get the picture of her mother from my head, the state of my sister, and the way her stomach was torn into and my nephew mutilated in her womb. I was stuck in that thought pattern when his voice invaded my head causing me to growl.

“They found more bodies,” Trey says through the link.


“two days from here,” he answered.

“Get a car ready,” I tell him.

I changed quickly, stumbling around the room. Maybe I overdid it. Walking out, Dustin stared vacantly ahead.

“Tell Gannon and Damian to meet me at the cars. You are to remain with me. Send Trey to watch over Ivy for me” I told him. He nodded, and I stumbled down the steps trying to find my feet.

Dustin gripped my arm as I lost my footing, and I nodded to him. “My King, I don’t think Trey is a good choice to watch the Queen,” he says, and I look at him. He dropped his head, and I noticed his s*****w as I glared at him.

“He is part of my guard; he will do the job he is asked” I told him, continuing down the steps.

Losing my footing again, I stumbled on the bottom step and nearly hit the ground. Guards rushed toward me when I collided with someone. They prevented my fall, and I shook my head as I gripped their shoulder.

“You okay, my king?” Ester asked, and I waved the other men off.

“Fine, just help me to my office,”

“Of course,” she said a little too willingly. I held back my swear, letting her steer me to my office. I flopped into my chair.

“I will retrieve some water,” she said, and I waved her off.

“My King,” Dustin started, and I growled.


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