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Hypnotizing Love novel Chapter 336

"Grandma!" Watching Lady Georgia fall, Logan hurriedly took a stride over and caught Lady Georgia.

At this time, Mrs. Murphy came down from upstairs, saw this scene, and quickly asked, "What happened to Lady Georgia?"

"I don't know, Grandma passed out." Logan's face turned pale with anxiety.

Mrs. Murphy came over, picked up Lady Georgia, and gave Lady Georgia first aid while instructing, "Second young master, call the emergency."

"Oh-oh, right!" Logan finally responded, looked down left and right, saw the phone that was dropped on the ground by Lady Georgia, and hurriedly bent down to pick it up.

The line was still on; Amber's voice came from the phone, "Grandma? Grandma?"

She heard the snap of the phone falling to the ground and Logan's urgent shout and knew that something might have happened to Lady Georgia, and she was concerned, but there was no response from Lady Georgia on the phone.

She was not with Lady Georgia, so she did not know what happened to Lady Georgia. She could only hold on to the phone with both hands and kept calling out to the phone, hoping that Lady Georgia would respond to her.

But in the end, the one who responded to her was not Lady Georgia, but Logan, "Amber, Grandma has fainted."

"What? Fainted?" Amber sat up from the bed at once and was just about to ask about Lady Georgia's situation when she found that the phone had been hung up.

Amber thought that Logan had accidentally hung up, and hurriedly called again, only to find that the call didn't go through.

Amber had no choice but to put the phone down, her heart thumping, full of worry and anxiety.

Grandma could not have fainted because she said that the baby was aborted, right?

If that's the case, she was to be blamed!

At the Farrell's Mansion, Logan's off the emergency call.

Soon, an ambulance arrived to pick up Lady Georgia and Jared.

That night, the Farrells were destined to be eventful. Three of the four Farrells passed out, now all the things suddenly fell on Logan, and if it hadn't been for Mrs. Murphy, He would probably have passed out, too.

After all, he was just a teenager, living under the protection of Grandma, his mother, and his brother, and doing what he loved. It never occurred to him that his grandma, his mother, and his brother would all go down like this.

At the same time, Trenton returned home with a heavy heart.

As soon as Mrs. Gardner saw him, her eyes lit up and she hurried to greet him. "You're back, honey."

"Dad, you're home." Makayla greets him.

Trenton nodded; he sat down with Mrs. Gardner's help. "Back again."

"Dad, have some water." Makayla poured him a cup of tea.

"Well, Makayla, good daughter of mine," Trenton said cheerfully

Makayla smiled shyly and lowered her eyelids, but the bottom of her eyes was full of gloom.

It was nice to be praised and recognized. She had lived for twenty-six long years, getting beaten and scolded every day, not enjoying any of her parents' affection.

Only when she came here did she realize that her parents' affection was so fascinating.

But why aren't these wonderful parents her biological parents?

"Honey, how did it go? Has Jared agreed to resume his partnership and engagement with our family?" Mrs. Gardner clasped her hands together and nervously asked, "If the engagement were to be restored, who would it be? Makenna or Makayla?"

Hearing this, Makayla, too, tensed and looked at Trenton.

Trenton clenched his glass with a violent grimace.

If it wasn't glass, he would have crushed it.

"No restoring!" Trenton gritted his teeth and uttered the words, his voice filled with anger and hatred.


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