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I Am Born With A Silver Spoon novel Chapter 252

When Li Xiao and the others went in, Chen Hao was already fighting with the mother and daughter.

The three were shocked and they hurried over to stop the fight.

Thank goodness they succeeded, because Li Xiao knew that if Chen Hao got agitated, he could be ruthless.

However, some damage was done. Half of the woman’s face was already swollen.

The mother and daughter were swearing when Li Xiao pulled them away.

Li Xiao then gave them a ride back home.

Su Ting was restless. What had happened?

She got in the car as well.

Li Xiao suggested that they go to his place for dinner so that he could ask Chen Hao why they fought.

Apart from the light slap in the beginning, Chen Hao was barely injured.

As for the reason why Chen Hao wanted to pick a fight, firstly, both of them were too irritating and they were asking for it because they tricked him.

Secondly, the daughter was from China and she was an eligible bachelorette, but she had sex with a black guy. Chen Hao didn’t feel that it was right, so he was angry.

With the two reasons combined, Chen Hao spoke meanly and hit back after she had slapped him.

After all, they were not related and he wasn’t that poor boy from before. Why should he be easily slapped?

In the lobby, Chen Hao had just finished paying the bill. It was a pity that the food that filled the table was untouched.

“Huh? Chen Hao, why are you here? It’s such a coincidence!”

After paying the bill, Chen Hao heard someone calling him.

Turning his head around, he saw that it was Xu Xin and her mother.

“Chen Hao, are you here for lunch as well?” Xu Xin asked.

“Sort of!” Chen Hao smiled awkwardly.

“So have you eaten or not?”

“I have already eaten. Kind of!” Chen Hao said.

“Ha, you’re funny!” Xu Xin chuckled at his words. “If you haven’t eaten, you can come with us. My mom was just wondering when she would see you again. She wanted to treat you because last time you treated me to a fancy French meal!”

“Right, Mom?” Xu Xin smiled.

Lin Xiaofeng smiled at Chen Hao and nodded. “Yes, I’m treating you young people today. Chen Hao, if you’re free, you can join us…”

Lin Xiaofeng had heard Tang Lan talk about Chen Hao before. She thought that Chen Hao was a poor loser as well.

Initially, she didn’t want her daughter to be with him.

But Chen Hao had taken 600,000 in cash out of his bank account at once.

It was a slap in their faces.

The more Lin Xiaofeng thought about it, the queerer she felt.

She could tell that Chen Hao was very collected and would not be enraged by mockery. He seemed unlike ordinary people.

With all things considered, she wanted to make friends with him.

That was why she wanted Xu Xin to ask him out for a meal.

Today at noon, Lin Xiaofeng finally succeeded in contacting someone which she took pains to find. She found that person through her kindergarten friend’s nephew. Her nephew had a very wide network and was able to get that contact.

Lin Xiaofeng then reserved a table. That old man wasn’t free but a rich upstart was. She thought that gathering more young people together would be more fun, so she told Xu Xin to come.

Then they bumped into Chen Hao, which made it even better!

The reason? Haha, it was because before the end of this year, the director would be retiring and the next director would be picked among the two deputy directors.

She and Tang Lan became competitors.

“Look, even my mom is inviting you. Come on, let’s have lunch together!” Xu Xin said.


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