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I Claim Your Love novel Chapter 62

Morning had came too early. The brightened rays of the sun, deeply penetrated through the transparent curtains. It entered the windows and lightened the room to its fullest. The melodious chirping of birds indicated that it was time to bid goodbye to the soulful night.

Arthur stretched his arms to shed away the indolence in him. He flapped his eyelids a few times before removing the blanket from his naked body. He sniffed the air around him and a strange surge of happiness flooded his mind. In the very next instant he tilted his body a little to witness a beautiful woman with long black hair, lying besides him and staring lovingly right at him.

Arthur was slave to his urges and hence it was proving difficult for him to focus somewhere else. He occasionally flickered his eyes from the woman's lips to her long hair, to her fabulous skin. As if on instinct, the woman leaned ahead and kissed the man passionately. Both of them cocooned each other in their arms as their lips danced to the tunes of their desires.

They parted lips after a few moments to energize themselves from the wonderfully tiring activity. Arthur smiled at her and spoke the words which were on his mind for long "I want to introduce you to my parents."

Isadora's smile faltered and she scowled at Arthur; trying to decide the right words through which the wolf's feeling are not hurt. "It is not the right time."

Isadora could see a dramatic change of expressions in Arthur's face. He looked angry, he looked disappointed. He sat upright and leaned his back to the headboard. "You have been saying that for the past several days. Will I ever get to tell my parents about us?"

"I have already told you the conditions of our mating." the woman sat upright and folded her hands to her chest "I did tell you that we are different from other pairs. You agreed back then. Why is it so hard for you now?" she tried to convince Arthur in a low voice

"It pains me to imagine that you are at the beck and call of some person." Arthur gritted his teeth "Like he is in control of your life. I hate it.. Cant you escape this slavery?"

Isadora huffed in anger "Don't call it that!" she raised herself from the bed and started wearing her clothes in a haste "It is a service. You don't know how fortunate I am."

Arthur mentally smacked himself when he realized that he upset the woman he loved. He followed Isadora and embraced her from behind "I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He kissed the shoulders of the lady to ease her anger and waited patiently before saying "This master of yours... Cant he free you?"

"It is not in his hands." Isadora sighed "My tribe is destined to serve his kind. It is our duty to protect him and his community."

"From whom?"

"The entire world." The woman untangled herself from the hands of Arthur and went ahead to fetch her arm bracelet "My master is special and hence everyone wants him for some or the other reason."

"What makes him so special?"

"I cant tell you that."

Arthur exhaled a long breath "Does he know about us?"

"Yes. I never lie to him.." she curved the side of her lips "By the way.. He is really fond of you. He was the one who encouraged me to live my life with the person destined for me."

"Wow!" Arthur exclaimed in surprise "This makes me even more curious to know about the man."

"I wish I could tell you more."

Isadora turned around as she closed her eyes. Her hair, eyebrows and her nails darkened. Her hair strands grew even further while it shined like the sparkling diamonds. When she turned again to look at Arthur she could see the lust in his eyes.

The wolf was stunned. The beautiful lady mesmerized Arthur. She smiled at him and bowed her head before she headed for the window. However her footsteps were halted when Arthur held her hand firmly "Come stay with me please. I agree to every of your conditions but it only seems fair if you are here with me. It will keep me satisfied."

"Satisfied.. or satiated?"

Arthur was slightly embarrassed by the question. His cheeks flushed and he cleared his throat "I just want you to be around. Is that too much to ask?"

"I have to seek permission."

The wolf huffed in disbelief and raised his voice "Is there anything you could do by yourself!" he took even breaths to cool his anger while the woman stood there watching the helplessness and angst of the man.

"Ever since I have discovered you, I crave your attention and probably your time but I hardly get any."

"I am on a mission. "

"So you have time to roam with your master but not with your mate."

"I fly alone. My master doesn't like it when I shadow him"

Arthur looked confused "If you are not with him then who is protecting this person of yours."

Isadora chuckled and kissed the cheeks of the man "He has found someone."


The chirping birds of the morning sang along the melodious humming of the beautiful man. All this while Einar kept gawking at the Elemental with love and adoration. He was wrapped up in a cocoon of arms to Callan's chest. Every few moments he would look up and blushingly smile at the beautiful man.

"It feels like a dream." Einar whispered.

The words caught Callan's attention and he looked down at the happy face of Einar in confusion "What?"

"You... Here with me." Einar pursed his lips as his cheeks became red "I am in your arms... playing with those tiny hairs of your chest."

Callan smirked "What a weird coincidence! The tiny hair of my chest had the same dream last night."

Einar sat upright as he smacked Callan's arm playfully for mocking him. The two of them laughed out their heart before the sudden silence. It was like a staring competition. Both of them looked at each other with joy and admiration.

Callan leaned ahead to kiss Einar on his lips. He surprised the muscular man with his question "When do you think you fell in love with me?"

"What is with that question?'' Einar furrowed his brows

"Come on! Tell me."

Einar cleared his throat and looked at the sky. He racked his brain to think the right words and explain Callan his feelings for him "I always thought that you were perfect. Your hair; your skin; your peculiar forest green eyes. It was hard for me to not gaze at you. That brightened smile of yours would raise my heart beat and make my hands clammy. The first person I loved to see in the morning was you.."

"When did this all start?"

"Since I was little."

Callan mouthed an 'O' in shock and surprise "I never knew that."

"After the dragon incident my emotions went erratic. There was confusion all around. I was angry and pained and suddenly I would be jealous of the little things which concerned you. It was the hardest time for me."

"You couldn't tell anyone about yourself."

The handsome man sympathized with the wolf in a way. For Callan, he was always around his friends who he could rely upon. Whatever the matter may be, he wasn't the one to hide anything from his friends. He always welcomed some constructive feedback from them and tried to improve himself.

But Einar's situation was different.

Although he was surrounded by people he was always alone. As a teenager his emotions were overwhelming him and he was terrified. With no advisor, he was forced to develop a defense mechanism against the feelings he had for Callan.

"Imagine my situation." Einar chuckled in sarcasm "Hiding my feelings, creating a façade to please everyone. My bottled up emotions were ready to blast on my sixteenth birthday. It was all because of you."

Callan looked at Einar accusingly "What did I do?"

"You touched me."

"So you went out of control just because of a touch? That is unbelievable!"

"The wolf craved you and wanted your company. I tried my best to avoid you but the beast was too powerful. He created a scene that day, didn't he?" Both the men gave a soft chuckle "I was ashamed at myself for how I behaved. Uncle Umberto was dead and it added to my guilt. I decided it was best for me to leave. I thought the space between us would make my mind clear of your thoughts."

"Did it help?"

"Initially yes. I did think about you but it wasn't the powerful urge to be around you constantly. I was able to control myself to an extent."

Callan apologetically smiled at Einar.

He knew the strong desire a wolf had, to be around their mate. He had seen mate pairs all around who would go crazy without the sight of their other half. Callan could not imagine the torture Einar had to go through. Callan was fortunate to receive guidance and encouragement to love himself and be happy. On the contrary all Einar had to do was live under the influence of the pack and please his people. The constant pressure to prove himself worthy, to fit in a certain role had robbed him of his very existence.

Callan rubbed Einar's arm to comfort him "It must be hard for you."

"You cannot imagine! I knew that till the time you are not in my peripheral vision, everything would be fine. However my assumptions went for a toss when you came to see me on the kings land. You rendered me speechless. I was completely mesmerized by you. I wanted to kiss you so bad that day."

"Why didn't you?" Callan winked an eye playfully

"You know what i thought at that time." Einar chuckled and rolled his eyes "All was perfect until you showed up to ruin everything. All those emotions, those feelings that were caged inside my heart wanted liberation. I wasn't able to control myself anymore. The more I tried to be away from you the more I was falling in the trap of love."

"You were stubborn."

Chapter 62: A Place To Call 'Home' 1


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