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I Won't Go Back To My Family Who Abandon Me novel Chapter 106

Warning : Because Someone Report ' Duke Please Stop Because It's Hurts' that's why I have to stop it's update and have to delete episodes. but don't worry i will find some way.

While sitting against a tree and eating bread, Leticia glanced at the child. The boy looked down at the bread she’d given him, and took a bite. After he chewed a few times without expression, a surprised look came into his tidal colored eyes.


“Right? It’s my favorite bread.”

When she heard it was delicious, Leticia smiled and ate bread along with him. Because she was hungry, she ate all of her bread before she knew it, so she asked the child.

“Why are you here?”

“Because my younger siblings were bothering me.”

Leticia immediately understood that he’d run away from his younger siblings, and opened her eyes wide in surprise.

“You have younger siblings? I have some too.”

“Isn’t it hard listening to them?”

When he asked with a tone that begged for sympathy, Leticia burst into laughter.

“It’s hard, but they’re still cute. I guess all siblings are like that.”

It would be a lie if she said that it wasn’t hard. There were many times when she wanted to be lazy, and not hang out with them. However, when they looked at her with eyes that said they loved her, she couldn’t resist their cuteness. Her younger siblings were an existence that she couldn’t hate.

After having such a friendly conversation, she became a little closer to the boy.

The child reminded her more of herself then she thought. First of all, he has siblings similar in age to her own, and they both had mothers that were sick.

Maybe that’s why it was more comfortable and enjoyable to be with this child than the children from the village.

From that day on, they didn’t say anything, but they met at the field around the same time as if they’d promised each other.

“What’s that?”

As usual, Leticia met with the child that day. As soon as she saw him, she smiled and saw the picnic basket next to him.

“In return for the bread you gave me last time.”

What he took out while talking was toast covered with blueberry jam. Leticia smiled brightly, and immediately took a bite.

“It’s so delicious! How did you know I like blueberry jam?”

“You told me last time that you wanted to eat it, but couldn’t.”

“Oh, did I do that?”

Leticia looked down at her half-eaten toast with a vague expression at the obvious reply. She didn’t know that he’d remember what she’d said.

Somehow, she was feeling emotional and kept smiling.

“There’s more, so eat slowly.”


Leticia nodded her head, and ate the remaining toast. The child was quietly watching her eat, then he handed over another piece of bread coated in fruit jam.

The more she ate, the more she felt something strange rising from deep inside, and now her eyes were starting to tear up.

“There’s something on your mouth. Wait… Why are you crying?”

The child, who’d been smiling about Leticia having jam all over her mouth, looked surprised and asked what was wrong.

She could feel his gaze, but Leticia didn’t take the bread out of her mouth.

“I’m not crying.”

“Liar. You’re crying.”

“I’m crying because it’s delicious.”

As Leticia tried to swallow the tears, the boy wiped away her tears with the back of his hand, and jokingly said to her.

“You’re such a baby.”

“I’m not a baby.”


“I’m not a crybaby.”

Even as she stared at him as if she hated it, the child wiped the jam off of Leticia’s mouth carefully. With a friendly touch, Leticia paused without realizing it.

It was always her job to take care of others. She never said when she was sick or if she was injured. However, whenever her younger siblings were sick or hurt, she’d comfort them and stay by their sides.

Now that the position was reversed, her heart felt like it was filled with clouds.

Leticia received the milk handed over by the child, and said without realizing it.

“I’m jealous of your siblings.”

“My siblings? Why?”

“Because they have a sweet brother like you.”

She couldn’t complain very much about how hard it was, how exhausting it was, or how she wanted to rely on them. Since she was the oldest child, she needed to take good care of and protect her younger siblings, so that her sick mother wouldn’t feel bad and her father, who was making money far away, wouldn’t worry. It had been a long time since she’d been so caught up in this compulsion, killed her true feelings and hid them away.

‘I wish I had an older brother like him.’

She was confident that she would do well then.

However, the child reacted poorly to Leticia’s words.

“Well, my siblings don’t like me.”


“I don’t know. They always say they don’t like me.”

All they would say was that they hated their brother, or their brother hated them. When he first heard those words, he was confused, but now he was used to it so he didn’t pay much attention to it.

It wasn’t even particularly hurt by it, but Leticia looked like she felt sorry for him and soon clenched her fists resolutely.

“Then I’ll like you!”



She nodded strongly, speaking from the bottom of her heart, and this time she even squeezed his hand. The child couldn’t help but laugh at what she said through her swollen eyes.

“I don’t need a crybaby as a younger sister.”

“I’m not a crybaby!”

Since then, Leticia had rapidly grown close to the child. The two became comrades, and a safe haven for each other.

When they met, they’d talk about each other’s younger siblings, and sometimes they’d talk about their cuteness.

The child complained to Leticia about what was wrong with his younger siblings. However, as Leticia listened to him, she thought to herself.

‘You’re a good big brother.’

He always refused them because he said he was too lazy and didn’t want to listen, but she could tell that he really cared about his younger siblings.

Then one day, their unexpected separation arrived.

“I have to go to the capital because we have to find another clinic.”

When she asked why he looked depressed today, the child explained that he had to leave the countryside. He added that even with the countryside nursing, his mother’s physical condition wasn’t good, so it couldn’t be helped.

When the only person who recognized her heart and shared her feelings left, Leticia had trouble hiding her feelings for a while. When the emptiness in her heart left by the boy was too much to bear, she would sit alone in the field and pass the time.

Soon after, her father returned and her mother, who’d been laying in bed all the time, began to recover her energy and her gloomy heart slowly disappeared.

Thus, Leticia forgot about the child’s existence.


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