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Ice and Fire novel Chapter 18

Feeling John slowly ease his grip on her arm, Cherry immediately flung away his hand and stood some distance away from him.

Jean stepped forward to stand between them. She glanced at John and said fiercely,"John, can't you still get over this bitch? She is now your aunt."

With that, she turned to look at Cherry and slapped her on her face without saying a word.

The slap was so loud that the sound reverberated around them.

Cherry couldn't help but stagger back several steps. She lowered her head and covered her face with her hair.

"Jean, what are you doing?" rebuked John. He immediately stepped in front of Jean to protect Cherry and keep her safe.

"What am I doing? I am teaching my shameless sister a lesson. How dare a married woman seduce her sister's fiance? Don't you think that she deserved the slap?" Jean shouted, loudly. She did think that what she had done was right.

All of a sudden, Cherry spoke,"Sister? What a joke! Jean Shen, did you really consider me as your sister? Did you feel ashamed when you were having sex with my boyfriend?"

"Why should I feel ashamed? I love John and he is willing to accept me. So tell me, why should I feel ashamed?" Cherry retorted. Usually, Jean had one hundred percent chance of winning when she faced Cherry. Cherry had been bullied since she was a little child. How could she now put up a fight?

"Jean, if you hadn't drugged my wine, how could I..." John did not finish his sentence because he knew that Jean understood what he meant.

"What's the problem with that? To get what I want, I will use all means available. I will do it either by hook or by crook," said Jean. She then continued,"John, even if you want her to come back to you, it is impossible. Because she is Jackson's woman now."

With triumph in her voice, Jean raised her mouth. She knew that John had no chance at all to choose Cherry over her.

Looking at Jean's smile, John said firmly,"Jean, even if Cherr does not belong to me now, I will not marry you."

"You..." Jean was totally vexed, but she did not know what to say.

Seeing this scene, Cherry helplessly shook her head and turned away. How ardently she wished she had nothing to do with these two. One was the man she once loved deeply and one was her sister. Both of them had betrayed her and changed her life completely. She might not hate them, but what she wanted was to get away from them and never see them again. She wanted to forget everything that had happened among them.

However, no one expected that all of this had been filmed by a man in black who standing in the corner of the parking lot. The entire saga, from Cherry and John walking into the parking lot to Cherry turning away, had been recorded.

At the barracks, the face of the leader sitting behind the desk had already darkened. Looking at the pictures in his hand, he was very angry. He had left her for just one day, in fact even less than a day, and his woman had already been bullied. She was not only grabbed at by his ungrateful nephew, but also slapped by the vicious Jean. He wished that he could fly back immediately to shoot these two people. They had a death wish to hurt his woman!


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