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IMP novel Chapter 31

"Li ku a ta mi a gri."

The Imp stood at the border of the village. His sticky legs and hands. His mouth dripping blood and his eyes red like embers tamed by fierce furnace.

He had the head of a girl in his hand and took another bite. He chewed for a while and hurled the head towards the direction of those who were scrambling and running for their lives.

The border was fallen and the women were screaming as each mother tried to lay a hand on her child and take him or her to safety.

Few of the men were being alerted that the Imp had broken into the village and had made its self known in public.

Men with torches in the broad daylight were beginning to run from the fort of the Monarch towards the Imp.

They got to him and were hurling their torches at him but the monster was much more wiser than them.

It no longer was interested in the women and the children anymore. It was only interested in those hurling torches at him.

Twas a very pleasant memory revived. All he could see in those men hurling the torches were the Centaurs and Satyrs that had attacked him at his first arrival on earth.

He took few hops and boom he had knocked out two men. He held one up high for the remaining to see then bit into the neck and sucked out his oesophagus.

He twisted the head for a while but discovered that he wasnt getting the pleasure of it. He dropped the fellow in his hand and did a slight jump.

Down went one of his sticky legs on the head of the fellow. The head was squashed under the pressure of the leg.

He kicked the body into the air and watched it hit few of the women running with babies in hands.

He was in search of a lady. Just a lady. And he would not stop until he found her.

He thought the men holding torches would learn from the fall of the squashed fellow but they wouldn't.

Each man would only delight in learning by his own experience. How tough that would be.

Quite a day was it for the Imp as it kept on killing and chewing and kicking every obstacles in his way.

He kept on it till he got to the front of the castle of the Monarch.

There were loads of humans there. Lots of men with torches in hand and some with spears and all weapons they could lay their hands on.

The mothers and the children had been shooed into their homes.

The Imp stood growling. He was scanning through if the lady was anywhere close. He could even smell her out if she had been amongst those he had met earlier.

Chapter 31: Okanlelogbon 1

Chapter 31: Okanlelogbon 2

Chapter 31: Okanlelogbon 3


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