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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 239

Wordlessly, I just listened to her with no intention of interrupting. She got the waiter to refill her cup before continuing, “When I was 24, both of us started to envision our future. I even imagined what my life would be like after getting married to him. I found it beautiful and worth looking forward to, but the reality is cruel. Very few children born from ordinary families can easily gain the respect of others. Only those who are born of noble birth are gifted with inherent superiority and elegance, which make them stand out from the crowd.”

She looked at me with contempt in her eyes. “Very few people possess inherent nobility because a trait like this only runs in the blood.”

I frowned inadvertently but let her continue.

She leaned back slightly before speaking again, “Because of our difference in family background, I was rejected by the Moore family. Being the proud woman I was, I left Zachary in a fit of anger, wanting to make a living for myself. So on the day I left K City, I vowed to one day become someone the Moore family looked up to.”

Here, she chuckled with self-mockery. “But fate is a funny thing. I only realized I was pregnant after leaving K City. My pride did not allow me to go back to Zachary, but I was young and it was my first child, so I couldn’t bring myself to abort it. Unfortunately, I couldn’t raise her either. While I was caught in a dilemma, my belly grew bigger and bigger. In the end, I had to give birth to her. I’d thought of finding a man to make things easier, but how could I settle for anything less than Zachary? So after giving birth, I went abroad alone.”

Seeing the sorrow lining her features, my brows drew together slightly. This woman had been fueled by ambition her whole life, but now, I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing.

A brief silence ensued before she went on, “Do you know how difficult it is for a woman in her twenties to live abroad? It’s like walking on a tightrope. I couldn’t sleep at night as I was plagued with thoughts about my child, missing her day and night. But I couldn’t go back to get her, not until I’d saved enough money and had a stable income. Ten years passed just like that. When I went back to R Province to look for her, I found that she had already been thrown out by that damnable man. My child whom I had risked my life for!”

Noticing the mist pooling in her eyes, I lowered my gaze as a dull ache formed in my chest. Even if I sacrificed my life, I would never be able to get my child back. A sneer escaped my lips as I looked at her again. “So? Is this an excuse for you to hurt others?”

She shook her head, calming herself before replying, “Sixteen years. That’s how long I’ve been looking for Rebecca. Even as I longed for her during those sixteen years, I prayed that she was living a good life. To find her, I wasn’t willing to have a baby with someone else after I got married and would rather be a stepmother. I’ve been atoning for my mistakes for so many years and now, I’ve finally found her. You may say that I’m selfish and evil. I won’t deny it. But as a mother, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill all of Rebecca’s wishes. Right now, I only live for her.”

I sneered. “You love your daughter more than life itself. Don’t you think other people would feel the same about their own child?”


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