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Author's pov...

As she uttered, "Dadi..." she noticed as Rachael was staring at Kamal.


"Nothing, Dadi..."

"Ruhi, I'll miss you very much!"

"Me too dadi," She smiled and hug her.

"Dadi, How can Davies sir order to Alice dadi?" She said as braking her embrace.

"Ruhi, woh..."


At night, when Ruhi goes from there, and Alice was having her dinner.

Kamal abruptly said as gazing at her, "Alice, Davies, himself is the crown prince. Am I right?"

Alice looked at her with wide eyes as heard her, and said, "No... Kamal, why are you saying like that?"

"Alice, if you don't want to tell me, so it's ok. But now I know, he is the crown prince himself. Because no one can dare to argue with you because you are the queen of his country–"

Alice stood up, and smiled," but you also argue with me sometimes, isn't it, kamal?"

"Alice, I agree, I also argue with you sometimes, but till now I didn't raise my voice against you and I never saw anyone to raise his voice against you but today, when Davies was yelling on you, you didn't say anything to him back, but you were standing there silent. I know he was anxious for you but still he shouldn't shout on you."


"Alice, he is complete resemblance of Edward, remember as you told me once that your Elder grandson is complete shadow of Edward. So that shadow I can see in Davies."

"Kamal," Alice hold her hand and said, "Yes, you are right. He is the crown prince of our country and his name is―"

"Alice..." she squeezed her hand over her hand and smiled, "I don't want to know his name. I will get to know automatically when the right time will come, so you don't need to tell me now."

Alice smiled as heard her and embraced her.

"Dadi, where have you got lost?" asked Ruhi as waving her hand before her face.

"Nowhere!!" She smiled.

Ruhi looked at her in confusion and continued, "Dadi, I have made some kaju katli for our Princess, Mira. Pls give them and tell me pls ki unhe kaisaa Laga."

"Well, where is it?"

"Oh!" she smacked her head and said, "I forgot in the kitchen itself...I'll get it right away."

"Ok, go and come soon."

"Yes, dadi."

Ernest's pov...

"Ernest, I want to enjoy my life like normal people, so pls give me some space!!" She said as staring at me.

When I heard it as she wanted to enjoy her life like normal people. I got shocked out of my wits as to why is she saying suddenly like that? As she didn't mention it before me.

I hold her hand and looked at her eyes and said, "Granny what happen? Why are you saying like that?"

She said while looking at me," Ernest now I want to enjoy my life freely... means without being involved with any security guards and media. That's why I was staying with kamal in a disguising state for a month. You know about our life, and our responsibilities already, and till now I have fulfilled all my responsibilities with my whole heart and always thought good of my people. But now I feel that I am free because I have given all my responsibilities to your mother as she is also taking care of them very well, so now I want to give some time to myself and have a long vacation.

Do you know this country is very beautiful so I want to stay here a little bit longer?"

I am understanding what is she trying to do, she wants to make her point with her emotional words as I know her very well since my childhood, and she continued as holding my hand with her both of hands and looked at me with her puppy eyes, "so can I stay here a little longer?"

"No!" I said without any hesitation because this is so much risky to leave her alone here. So I can't leave her now.

"Why Ernest?"

"Granny try an understand, you can't stay here more as you already know someone is already trying to harm our family and if someone recognised you as Alice Arthur it would be so much risky for you, and we can't lose you as we love you so much."

"Ernest, but–"

"Granny, pls think about Aaron too. So pls don't be so stubborn."

As heard Aaron name, she got stopped and didn't say anything further and looked down.

After seeing her dejected face, I said as looking at her, "Granny, don't be sad, I promise you. I will find that ba*tard soon. Afterwards, you can have fun as much as you want, but now, let's go."

"Ok, Ernest." She said as leaving my hand and continued as looking at me," Ernest, I got stopped because of Aaron otherwise I will definitely stay here for more days without listening to you."

"I know, Granny! But do you know how much you and Aaron have in common? He is also like you because whenever he gets a chance, he also runs away by dodging the security guards."

"Yes, I know, he is like me, that's why he is my favourite," she said while giggling.

"That's why this time I have sent Evan with him."

"I know, as he has already told me."

"Well, now, let's go."


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