Irresistible Love

Chapter 7: 7

Zachary Pov

The room was marred by silence as the three of us including me, Kiara and Kristian stood at different places in the room facing different direction lost in deep thoughts.

"Bro-" Kristian was cut off by Kiara as she spoke up for the first time.

"So? What do you plan on doing now? Believe me or not but the woman I saw there in that mall was Juliette. I can never misunderstand Juliette for someone else. I just can't understand anything. It's really hard for me to-" she held her head as Kristian made his way to her and kept a hand on her shoulder staring down at her with concern.

What is this?

"Please! I know this might sound weird...heck! you must be thinking of me as some insane woman but please believe me...the woman whom I saw was Juliette. I don't know how in the world it's possible but I did saw her. And the worst part was she seemed a little bit different and she even refused to recognize me," she sighed and looked down with sadness filled eyes.

"Kristian please tell him to believe me," she muttered as she leaned against him and he wrapped his arms around her shoulder.

"Yes! Look brother I know you probably won't believe us but not only Kiara but me...I was also present in that scenario. I saw the woman's face and she clearly resembled Juliette. I don't know how it's possible either but she dashed as soon as Kiara tried to talk to her," Kristian said and all the while all I did was stare at them blankly.

All of a sudden I felt my heartbeat raising up and blood rushed throughout my body as I turned around facing the window where the rain still continued to pour. Raking a hand through my hair I stood there silently but all the while I could hear both of them murmuring and talking to each other with Kiara crying out and asking Kristian to make me believe her.

Juliette is alive...

"Mr. Sullivan I know this is hard for you to believe but please...I beg you to believe me for thi-"

"Take me to that mall where you saw her," I said and like before the room was once again filled up with silence.

"Wh-What?" I heard her shocked voice.

Inhaling a deep breath, I turned around holding a look of determination as I repeated myself once again "Take me to that place."

"I want the CCTV footage," I asked one of my men as I took out a cigarette and lit it up using a lighter that Kristian provided me. Kiara sat stiffly on her position as Kristian sat next to her holding her hand murmuring something to her while I waited for the guy to bring me the footage, patiently waiting for him sitting inside the limo.

Please..." I heard Kiara whispering as she kept

the guy went out for the work the three of us waited patiently in the limo for the result that was anticipated patiently by all three of us. Hours passed by and I dropped my third piece of cigarette end into the ashtray. My eyes felt on a couple that walked past my window hand


know," I heard Kiara and I turned up to look at

us?" she asked and I watched as Kristian squeezed her

reply before I turned my head to look out of

because I want to believe myself," I said as I felt the inside of me tightening with a gut feeling that Juliette is alive. I refused to believe that the woman we found dead was Juliette. I refuse to believe

read the caller ID an incoming call from Ms. Dimir. Not wanting to answer her call I rejected the call and kept the inside the pocket and adjusting my suit waiting for the guy.

the footage from two days back as you had asked me," he said and I nodded as I inserted

her hands and closed her eyes chanting and praying the lord while Kristian sat on the edge of the seat as he tried

Kristian pointed on the screen in which he and Kiara were

him to find him too engrossed in the scene that he didn't even notice my glance towards him. I chose to ignore him for the moment and looked back at the video to find them entering the store. Both of them seemed too engrossed in their work but then they disappeared from the screen as another

under his breath looking visibly astonished


disappeared from the screen!" he muttered and Kiara looked up towards

that we were searching for to be missing. The time changes in a certain scene of the video and looked as if somebody

understand!" Kiara said as she sat on the edge

Kristian was immediately on her side but I had all my attention

this video. Someone tampered the clip knowingly..." I answered as I

would come searching for this clip? But why would someone do that? I mean what would

we met that woman who looked

before us. I'm sure we would find something out,"

I said and watched as

do?" she

we do now? Kristian?" she

out of the window. The small ray of hope that I had a few moments ago seemed missing until I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt my phone vibrating for the second time. Irritated by the constant calls I brought it out of my pocket and rejected the call without even glancing towards the caller ID thinking it would be

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