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I've Been There Before (Grace and Caden) novel Chapter 166

With time passing fast, it was a week later after that night.

In the Shaw Group, as soon as it was the off-duty time, the man quickly took the car key on the desk and was in a hurry to the underground parking.

The car was started and rushed out of the underground parking so fast, but it was even much slower than the man’s heart that already went back home.

The Shaw Manor, in the twilight of the winter, was experiencing the silence of the nightfall. The day got dark fast, and there were only the road lamps lighting in the darkness. The darkness brought more graveness to the black iron gate, making the whole manor lifeless and ponderous.

The black Bentley car, with the bright headlamp turning on, sped into the gate still being opened. On the road that the car had rushed over just now, the dead leaves that the gardener even had still not cleaned up fallen down on the ground again after being blown to the air vortically.

Opening the door, the man strode into the house. His straight and strong figure was just proportional. God had favored the man so much that even any of his hair was perfect.

“Sir, welcome back.” The old butler stood in the hallway as usual, and took over the man’s bag politely. Then he handed the man a velvet towel. The man took the warm and wet towel with his slender fingers, then wiped his face casually, and threw it back to the old butler. “Where is her?”

The old butler paused his action as he heard this brief question, but he hid his pause well. He became the businesslike, upright and qualified butler again after one second. “Miss James is in her bedroom.”

“She didn’t go downstairs all day?”


The man squinted his cold eyes. “She didn’t have lunch, too.”

The old butler lowered his eyes. “Miss James refuses to come out of her bedroom, so I had to put lunch at the door.”

The man nodded, and his face was drawn. “Ten minutes later, put the dinner at the door.”

After such a brief order, the man made his way to go upstairs, while his paces were rushed.

He got to the door of the bedroom, and glanced at the food on the dining car at the door... He frowned slightly... She refused to eat again.

The man knocked at the door, but there was no answer inside. He already got used to this situation, which was common all these days of this week.

He grabbed the doorknob, pressed it, and pushed the door open.

As he opened the door and looked around the room, his heart almost jumped out of his body.

Caden Shaw’s complexion changed a lot. “Grace James! Come down!”

He shouted with anxiety!

On the sill, the woman sat there, her feet hanging in the air out of the window, and swaying.

She heard the man’s voice, so her head turned around.

“Grace! Calm down... Get down of there!” Caden’s face was full of anxiety.

However, the woman glanced at him, and then turned her head back again indifferently, and showed him the round back of her head.

Her feet were still swaying in the air, and her ears turned deaf to his shouting.

Caden cautiously raised his feet and walked to Grace.

Grace didn’t move a little, which pacified Caden. It seemed that this woman also didn’t want to die.

He suddenly grabbed her waist, held her up, and threw her on the bed. “Don’t you know it’s too dangerous just now?”

Grace raised her head indifferently, and her lips opened a little and closed fast, leaving only three words in the air. “It’s funny.”


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