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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 52

Since Hilda's house was still being decorated, Edward gave his flat to them. He had intended to stay at home for a few days. But since Anna knew he had a girlfriend, she had devoted herself to it. Edward had been terribly bothered by her question. He had no choice but to live in a hotel.

Angela felt really sorry for that. But Hilda said that it was fine.

Hilda was his sister, so she could live here without guilty. But Angela was an outsider, she felt bad to trouble him.

Recently, she had been topic after dinner because of Edward, which upset her a lot. But in general, he behaved like a gentleman. Angela was not a narrow-minded person, and the matter which was talked about by company's public was originally based on his good intentions, so it was wrong to vent her anger on him.

Thinking of it, Angela's anger to Edward disappeared in a flash. On the contrary, she was grateful to him for giving her a place to live.

This weekend, Anna got up and was supposed to be bored. After she took her seat at the table of the dining room, she saw Edward coming downstairs.

Of course she was excited about her son living with them! Anna, as Cassie said, had entered her old age. Every day she was expecting the children to greet with her.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were back? Mum can cook for you! " She smiled.

Seeing Edward back, Kay was also very happy and hurried to get him a bowl of porridge. Edward said in a hurry, "Kay, I can do it myself."

When Edward served him a bowl of porridge and took a few sips, he asked, "Mom, where did you go to pray for a protective talisman?"

"I have gone to several places, including LY Temple, JY Temple, LG Temper..." Anna suddenly felt something wrong and stopped.

Her son was always averse to superstation, so why did he ask about the temple?

She had been investigating the woman in the video these days. A spy she had arranged in the DC Capital Group told her that her son was close to a secretary recently. After getting the photo of Angela, she analyzed it with her sister Cassie and they both agreed with that the woman in the video was exactly Angela. She just got the date of birth and the eight characters of Angela yesterday and was about to go to seek divination.

At this juncture, her son asked such a question. Did it mean that he had found her crime and he wanted to tear down the temple?

"Why did you ask temple?" she asked, sweating in fright.

"Just ask." Edward said faintly, having porridge with his head down, which was hard to tell from his emotions.

Generally speaking, ordinary people wouldn't dare to destroy a temple. However, her son was so stubborn that he couldn't change anything! He was not superstitious, and he was not afraid of damaging the good and evil. The imaginary picture of him standing coldly in the temple and letting the miners destroy it freaked Anna out!

"Son! Calm down! I won't be superstitious anymore! Don't ever go to the temple and destroy it. As for things like it, better believe it than not! " Anna suddenly stood up in a panic.

Seeing that she misunderstood him, Edward laughed and said, "Who told you that I was going to demolish the temple?"

His lips curled into a smile, and the look in his eyes was also in good mood. It didn't seem like that he was in a bad mood and wanted to demolish the temple!

"Then why did you ask about the temple?"

After eating the porridge, Edward didn't talk about the topic anymore. He stood up and said, "In short, I am not going to demolish the temple."

Seeing Edward towards the door, Anna followed him and asked, "It's weekend now. Where are you going?"

"To see a client." Then Edward walked out of the door and went to the garage.

With doubts, Anna looked at her son's back, then took her bag and said to Kay, "Kay, I'll go out first."

In the car, Edward first checked online. It was said on the Internet that the JY Temple was very effective. So he had input "JY Temple" in the navigation and then drove away.

Edward seldom went to worship Buddha with Anna since he was a child. He didn't know that the JY Temple was on the mountain until he arrived at the foot of the mountain. He should have taken the off-road car.

It's obvious that the sports car couldn't go up the mountain. He stood beside the car, trying to figure out a way. At this time, a group of aunts came over with bags. It seemed that they were also going to worship Buddha.


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms