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King's Back novel Chapter 44

On the way, Harry drove fast as lightning, looking as if he wasn’t a tiny bit nervous.

With Jackson on his side, this debt collecting thing seemed like child’s play.

Master was a person who could deal with several big gangsters with little effort, able to blow them off with a punch. With his master in charge there was nothing to fear.

Harry even thought to himself, later he’d rush to the front line and show his master the result of yesterday’s training.

As he thought of this, he accelerated even more.

After about forty minutes, they arrived in front of a courtyard in the southern area of the city’s industrial park.

There you could see office buildings and factories covering at least two thousand square meters.

There were also a few wolf dogs tied down at the entrance, sleeping sluggishly under the sun with saliva drooping from their mouths.

After parking the car Harry arrived at the entrance, leading to a security guard immediately showing up.

“What are you here for?”

The security guard spoke in a rough tone. He wore a crooked hat, had a baton pinned to his waist, and his sleeves rolled up, revealing a tiger tattoo on one of his arms.

“We’re from Dolcy Corporate, came to collect a debt.”

“Dolcy Corporate? Collect a debt?”

The corner of the security guard's mouth lifted up in a teasing smile. He never thought they would actually come.

He picked up the walkie talkie, pressed it and said, “People from Dolcy Corporate came over.”

After a minute passed someone on the walkie talkie said to let them inside. The security guard nodded in confirmation and opened the door slightly.

“Alright, come on in.”

Harry started to feel like something wasn’t quite right. With his heart suddenly starting to pound he asked, “Master, do…do we really go inside?”

“What are you do outside, look at the scenery?” Jackson waved his hand to follow him as he entered the courtyard indifferently.

As soon as they both entered that big steel entrance gate closed, trapping Jackson and Harry inside with no way out.

Jackson laughed disdainfully. Warming up his wrists, he continued to walk inside.

Suddenly, ten people come out from the office building. Their leader was a large man with a bald head and naked upper body with a snake tattooed on his chest. On his left hand he had a Tibetan Mastiff dog.

The leader’s cheeks were full of fat, and his eyes looked sharp as a blade.

He was the boss of ZD Company, Bob Giovanni, also known as Big B, none other than the ringleader of the southern part of the city.

Yesterday he received a call from the sales manager of Dolcy Corporate who gave him good money for a simple favor: the following day someone from the company would show up to collect the debt. When that happens, he was asked to help fix that imprudent salesperson.

After today that 1-million-yuan debt would be canceled. Not only did he get rid of the debt, he also got some cash in return, killing two birds with one stone.

“I sure want to see what stupid fool came here to die.”

Bob Giovanni squinted and found two people. One already looked scared shitless, trembling all over. The other one behaved himself, but without long he would be pissing himself too.

“You came to collect a debt, is that right?”

Bob pointed to Harry who was holding the files: “Come here, show me those.”

Jackson didn’t pay attention to the ringleader as he was focused on observing the situation. There was a factory and a warehouse not far from them, but although the doors were open there was no movement. Probably some thugs were waiting for them over there as well.


Jackson raised his eyebrows and glanced at those who were in front of him. With a calm smile he responded: “Show them to him.”

Harry licked his dry lips, straightened his back, and proceeded to walk towards the bald man to place the files on his hand.

But Bob Giovanni had no intention to actually take the files. He glanced down at Harry, cleared his throat and coughed out thick sputum.


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