KMA: Kickass Man A Is Back

Chapter 60 Someone You Can't Afford To Offend

However, Harvey smiled and said, "Auntie, let me try!"

Gunner looked at Harvey with a strange smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Gunner asked.

"My name is Harvey Channing, and my father is Philip Channing!" Harvey replied politely.

Gunner nodded and said, "Philip Channing? I know. Tai Fook Supermarket is run by your family, isn't it?"

"Yes, Gunner, you have a good memory!" Harvey flattered him.

Ken looked at Harvey in surprise. "Is Harvey's father on good terms with Gunner?"

If that was the case, that would be great.

The other students also looked at Harvey in surprise. The limelight that had been stolen by Atlas now came back.

Lily whispered to Ken, "This child has always been interested in Zoee. It's said that a friend in need is a friend indeed. This child has stepped forward when we are in danger. It can be seen that he has a good character!"

Ken also nodded and said, "Yes, he's a good kid, and he looked unflappable, which shows his leadership!"

They looked at Harvey as if they were sizing up their son-in-law.

Zoee said to Harvey apologetically, "Harvey, thank you!"

Georgie whispered beside Atlas with dissatisfaction, "Atlas, Harvey likes to show off. You should stand out first!"

Atlas looked at Harvey in an offhand sort of way. "Keep watching."

Gunner looked at Harvey with a smile and said, "Since you are Philip Channing's son, I won't give you a hard time. You can go!"

Harvey was stunned and his face changed dramatically. "Gunner, what do you mean?"

Gunner glanced at Harvey with scorn, "I mean you can get loss. Do you need me to make it clearer?"


were chatting with each other like good old friends, but in the blink of an eye Gunner's attitude

didn't understand the relationship between

was so angry that his face turned red. He knew that he

we had made an agreement that you would let them go when I stepped

Wait, what did he mean?

something was wrong. It seemed that the two had plotted this

It was not hero rescuing the damsel-in-distress, but a ridiculous

does Harvey mean? Did

gave a strange smile and said,

full of disdain. "My promise? What makes you think I'll promise you anything? I do whatever I want. Even if your father's here, he wouldn't dare ask me for anything! If you don't scram

that he could not afford to offend Gunner. Even his father Philip Channing dared not say no to Gunner.

Gunner did not keep his word, he could only swallow it. If Gunner demanded to slap on the left

who I was. Please spare me this time!" After being scolded, Harvey

at the sky and laughed wildly. "You are smart.

Harvey's attitude toward Gunner, everyone looked at him with despise. He was

the crowd and said with a grin, "What's wrong? Can't you understand? Let me tell you. Just now, that boy called me to come here. He had planned all this. But this boy was naïve. How could I be used by him so easily? I'm the one

Hair immediately flattered, "Gunner is wise!"

a bastard!" Georgie cursed loudly.

Lily were so enraged that they almost fainted.

All of this was because of you! I was just wondering why the two girls

snarled, "Don't come near our house in the future!"

was also panting heavily. "Harvey, you are really a bastard. And

in. Hank Young and the others who followed Harvey

"Well, now you understand. Hurry up

that Harvey was the real culprit, Ken didn't hate Gunner so

I'll do it

"Wait a minute!"

that the matter was about to be settled all looked in the direction of the voice.

looked at Gunner indifferently. He said in a

and yelled to Atlas, "Atlas, what are you doing? Sit down, it's none

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