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Kylie Bray (Love, Hate and Billions) novel Chapter 40

Months have gone by since I've watched Diamond leave. What I suspect is the norm, I haven't heard a word from her. Kevin has managed to get a few words from people in the army and even a picture of her laughing with a group of soldiers in their secret location.

It is my sole picture next to my bed. My incentive to get up in the morning and keep moving.

My brothers are all preoccupied at the moment juggling their work, personal life, and finding Beggar along with The Satan Snipers. I focus my time on my studies. Keeping my grades up.

Storm has spiraled to the brink of self-destruction, spending his affections on a bottle. I broke it off with him shortly after Diamond was ordered away. There was no point in acting any longer.

It's been a while since I’ve visited the clubhouse. Things are not good there. Kevin says they are divided, everybody fighting with each other, all of them angry that they can't find Beggar.

Kevin says they want to hurt her, so he and the new President River are working on their own, trying to get Beggar back safely. They don't know if she is alive they are just hoping.

Aliyana pops in now and again to see how I'm doing. I say I'm fine, just busy and though she doesn't buy the lie she doesn't judge.

Vincent however is another story. After I got back to Seattle, he showed up at my door. To say I wasn't very welcoming was mildly putting it. He apologized profusely for his ways and I forgave him.

He calls a lot asking me how I am if I need anything. I always say I'm fine.

He wants to give us a shot, and while I will always love him, I just can't now. With Diamond gone and the regret that lives in me, I feel it is best to move forward from Vincent. But he won't let me.

It is funny how our roles have changed, now he is the one chasing me, and I am the one who doesn't want to be chased.

I just want to be left alone.

Michael has been scouring the country looking for Beggar, he sends me messages when he can but like all the people in my life, he is also busy hunting Beggar.

And I understand that, Michael needs to find her before the Bratva, The Satan Snipers, and the Famiglia.

I know he is doing it for Kevin, and I am proud of my brother for taking time off his work just to help Kevin.


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