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Let's Get Married novel Chapter 156

A meal has been messed up just because of her. Lily is not in a mood. Especially when she sees that Rex is standing there alone, she blames herself and feels guilty.

She is simple; all of her emotion is showed on her face. Rex can see it through a glance, and at the same time, he feels distressed. He then forcibly pulls her into his arms, “why are you hiding, they are not here for a meal, don’t blame yourself.”

He would rather she complains to him when she is wronged, not blaming herself all alone.

Lily’s hands and feet are cold. Too many things have happened today. She doesn’t know how she feels now. She always thinks that falling in love with him is so tired, but never thinks that he also carries a lot of burden.

Not all men can fight for a woman like this, but he did it, which also distressed her.

Rex grasps the woman’s cold fingers. His strength is as firm as his heart. “It will be fine, don’t think too much, and let me solve it.”

Lily sucks her nose and nods, “I know my past will be a burden for you. But Rex, can you just hold me tightly, I’m really confused. If you really want to let me go, just tell me, I won’t force you.”

Hearing it, Rex feels that he’s heart is being hit hard, and the pain is dull. Instead of letting go, he held tighter, “As long as you want, I won’t let go.”

Lily’s mouth is pressed into a line. After crying for quite some time, her tremble voice is steady, “Okay.”

As soon as the word fell, Rex bents down his waist.

When the old people leave the Villa, Marina has received the news. Maxx doesn’t hide and tells her everything, since she asked a lot of aggressive questions.

After learning that the two old people have met Lily, Marina couldn’t calm down at all. Her head is full of fantasies, wondering what they said and whether they would accept Lily or not.

What if… Marina shakes her head. There is no what if, she definitely won’t let these possibilities to happen!

She must take an action.

Marina goes upstairs to take the phone that is placed on the drawer. Since she hasn’t recovered from the shocked emotions, she almost knocks herself to the ground.

Maxx quickly steps forward and supports her. His palm touches the back of her hand. This is the first time he is really close to her, his heartbeat suddenly accelerates, “Marina, are you okay?”

Since the last conversation, Maxx doesn’t call her Ms. Marina anymore; instead, he calls her at an intimate name, Marina.

Marina is disgusted for a while and quickly steadies her foot while quietly withdrawing her hand back, “I’m fine.”

After she finished speaking, she looks at Maxx with begging, pretending to be weak in her voice, “Help me get the phone from the tableside of my bedroom.”

Maxx thinks that she is desperate and wants to contact Lily, there is an embarrassment on his face, “Marina, you know I am one of Rex’s assistance, I can’t provide you any information. If you contact Lily now, I might be exposed and I might not stand by your side anymore…”

“Are you afraid?” Marina cuts him off, examining his evasive eyes and adds in after a moment of contempt, “You can rest assure, I am not looking for Lily. I have someone else to contact. You won’t be exposed, don’t worry.”


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