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Let's Get Married novel Chapter 217

Lily does not know how she arrives at the hospital from the Villa. She follows the ambulance. She is like a walking corpse. She only watches as Harry enters the operating room and being pushed out of it, and then finally he is arranged in the VIP ward.

The dramatic one is, Marina’s ward is just downstairs. For the whole three hours, Rex has not come to see her even once.

He might not care anymore.

Only a thing and all his emotions are exposed.

Between Marina and her, he does not hesitate to choose Marina. Even if the woman displeased her parents and Harry committed a heart attack, he just blamed her and asked ‘Satisfied now?’

Lily looks at Harry who is lying on the bed with his eyes closed. She is very upset, feeling that all her efforts during these days are ridiculous and pitiable. By looking at her reddened eyes, Bree could not say any blaming words but only pats her in the shoulders, “Rest for a while. I’ll take care of your dad.”

Lily stares for a while and raises her hand to wipe her tear after a while. She says nothing and gets up to leave the ward.

She walks all the way to the window at the end of the hallway. The cold wind from outside of the window blows in, cutting through all the disguise on her face. Her tears are like broken beads, falling off one by one.

Obviously, a few hours ago, she was still happily telling Harry to go to Rex’s house. She was looking forward to introducing her beloved man to her parents. In a blink of an eye, everything changed. This kind of dramatic change makes her feel that everything happened before is a bubble.

He does not trust her, not at all.

Lily hugs her arm, she feels that she is just been taken out of bitterly cold water. Is it disappointment? It does not seem so. It is a more desperate feeling than disappointment. How deep is this man hiding from her, which can make her mistakenly think that Marina is not a problem at all?

Perhaps, as Marina said, she is the third wheeler among them.

Just when she is out of her sense, Karl rushes over hastily with some anxiety over his face, “Lily, the condition of your dad has stabilized. His blood vessels were blocked at that time, which made him out of breath. Later, he needs to do scaffolding. I have already discussed the plan with the doctor in charge, don’t worry too much.”

“How much does the surgery cost?” Lily raises her hand to wipe the tears on her face. Things have turned into this point; she does not want more people to see her difficultness.

“It’s okay; you don’t have to worry about the medical expenses. It’s all on Rex.” Actually, Karl does not intend to charge her, but he is afraid that Lily will insist on it. Thus, he simply finds an excuse.


She feels that he will never be needed again in the future.

Lily smiles bitterly and says nothing but only asks, “How’s Marina?”

Karl is stunned for a moment, he hesitates for two seconds, thinking how to tell Lily, but unexpectedly he hears Lily says it, “Tell me the truth, I know it all.”

Karl sighs, “Not good. There is water in the lungs, her blood pressure is also unstable, and various body performance indicators are not very good. She needs to be observed. The doctors from the US have already rushed here.”

“Is she conscious?”

“Yes, just conscious.” Karl looks at his watch and says precisely, “Ten minutes ago.”

Lily nods and takes a deep breath, “Then I’ll visit her.”

Karl does not know that she will make such a request. There is a refusal in his mouth. After all, it is definitely unpleasant how this kind of thing happened. Visiting her at this moment…However, when his eyes touch the heavy sadness in Lily’s eyes, he could not say anything.

Forget it, he still believes Lily more. Blocking her is also not a solution. Moreover, Rex’s condition is not very stable, it is better for the two of them to meet.


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