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Let's Get Married novel Chapter 384

It sounds that Rex really plans to find a stepmother for Adair. With outrage and heartache, Lily straightens up.

She came back for him but now she feels like she's an idiot. What he said before is probably the excuse to cheat her into leaving England.

Since he doesn't love her, why did he bother to deceive her?

It frustrates Lily more than anything. Those feelings almost overcome her.

She wants to splash a glass of water on his face and slap him, but her shoulders are suddenly wrapped up by Ryan whose palms are so warm, which clams her and gives her power.

Lily turns to look at Ryan who is fixating on her and comforting her silently.

However, that's an eyesore for Rex. The more intimate they are, the more annoyed he is. He fretfully takes out a cigarette and lights it. As the white smoke comes out of his mouth, he snaps at them, "I didn't want to be merciless. I thought you understood what I meant or at least knew I left you some leeway, but apparently you didn't. Now that you are determined to take the child and leave, there is no need to leave you leeway from now on."

He pauses. Lily gets increasingly nervous.

After a silence, Rex continues, "I will play fair. Five years ago, you secretly took the child and now you are depriving me of the right to be a father. Let's see who's more likely to win. " His words tear her apart.

"Rex!" Out of control, Lily stands up from the sofa. With tears filling her red eyes, she is shuddering with anger and fear, "You have no chance to rob me of the kid!"

"No chance?" Rex laughs and stands up unhurriedly. He looks much stronger with the overwhelming height advantage, "I'm the child's father. How could I not have a chance?"

He is so heartless. No matter how she looks pitiful and helpless, he is still pushing her.

With blue veins standing out in her neck, Lily clenches her fists, trembling, "I have been taken care of Adair since he was born. I know what food he likes or dislikes. I know what he likes or dislikes, the books he reads, the things he wants to do, and his dream. I know everything about him. I know how to educate him, how to care for him. But you? You know nothing. As you provided the sperm five years ago, you want to take him from me. How could you!"

She is shouting and is almost crushed. What worried her most happens after all. He will fight for the custody of the child. What's worse, what he said is true. It's actually part of her fault.

Lily has no confidence to win the case.

As a lawyer, she is clear about it, and thus she is more scared.

Since being a mother, she feels like she has been skating on the thin ice. But how can he not see that?

Rex knows what she is suffering. Her shouting and rage tug at his heartstrings. Seeing her restraining herself from crying, he wants to take her in arms immediately.


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