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Let's Get Married novel Chapter 81

After choosing the gift, Lily and Abby eat in a restaurant next to the mall. Just in time for dinner, it is a bit loud in there, thus, they choose to sit at the corner, which is better.

Who knows, they accidentally meet Tim and Jade who also come to dine in. Both of them sit right next to them, which can be seen in the blink of an eye.

While lifting her bag, Lily gets up again and asks the waiter next to her, “Is there any other table?”

“Yes, but it’s not in the corner, it might be a bit loud.”

“It’s okay.” Even if it’s loud, it would be better than seeing those bitch couple.

Just when the waiter is looking for an empty table, Jade happens to see Lily, which makes her freeze for a second before making a reaction. She then acts a show of leaning against Tim’ body, like a little bird rests upon man’s clothes.

Abby’s eyes burst into flames and couldn’t help but cursed, “Fuck, Did you see her bitchy manner? It’s like she never had a man.”

Lily doesn’t want to make a fuss and gently pulls her sleeves, “Forget it, let her do whatever she likes.”

When Abby is desperately trying to calm down, Jade deliberately made a mouth word silently, contemptuously and a provocation ‘get lost’ word to her.

“Get lost?” Abby smiles childishly, “Does she think being a mistress is honorable? I’ll teach her a lesson today!”

Lily wanted to pull her again, but it was too late.

Abby walks to Jade’s table in two steps and points at her face ruthlessly, “What did you mean just now?”

After hearing the voice, Tim shifts his vision from the menu to her, “Abby?”

Isn’t she Lily’s best friend?


Tim looks at her back and really sees Lily, who was walking towards them. It’s been a while since the last time they met. She is currently wearing a black mantle wool coat with a pair of matching shorts and a pair of thigh boots, exposing her small white yet slender thigh.

When they were married, he didn’t sense her beauty. Now, after a glance, she looks really outstanding even from far away. But it’s a pity that this enchanting woman belongs to another man now.

Jade notices that Tim’s vision is almost stuck on Lily’s body, so she secretly grits her teeth. She then grabs her arms and speaks in a pitifully tone, “Tim, look at her, I’m so scared.”

“Ha ha!” Abby sneers, “You fucking bitch didn’t feel scare when becoming a mistress but feel scared now? What are you acting for? A woman with no shameless now trying to be a little rabbit?”

Abby’s words are as sharp as a sword, which cause Jade’s soft expression is about to break, “Tim, look at her…..”

Tim has no choice but only to persuade her, “Enough, this is a public place.”

With a click tongue, she says, “I really admire what you just say, why don’t you become an advisor? Are you still a man?”


“What? It’s only been a while and you even dare enough to take your mistress out now. Can’t you be just a little low-key? We actually didn’t want to trouble you but you are the one who ask for it!” Abby stares at them dreadfully, “Maybe Lily can be bullied, but I’m not. Jade, I warn you. If you meet her next time, take a hundred meters away. Are you clear?”

There are already a few people murmuring in the surrounding. Lily doesn’t want to make a fuss and consoles her, “Enough Abby. Let’s go to another place.”


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