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Life After the Storm novel Chapter 45


I must leave to come back to my pack. But I will find a way of making Lilly be mine and only mine. It will be as simple as bringing Landon's pack and combining it with my pack and using Lilly as a condition. Knowing that Landon will do anything to protect his pack. So, it will be easy to make him forget all about Lilly. I don't mind competition, but I shouldn't have to fight for my own mate.

I met with him today and I'm not looking forward for 2 alpha's running this pack. Knowing if I want to get what I truly desire, that this is the only way. I need Lilly to be mine, and only mine. All those that she cares about will be the only way I will really be able to punish her.

I don't want her to have relations with anybody else but me. It might seem selfish of me. But I do not care, she will only belong to me. I know at first it will be hard for her to adjust, but eventually, she will. I will make sure that she will never have the chance of ever escaping me ever again.

If she wants any kind of freedom, she will follow the rules, or she will be locked up. I will not allow her to do anything or see anybody if she doesn't obey me. I know it might seem cold, But I don't care. I will do whatever it takes for her to only be mine.

I hear a knock on my office door. It is time to get all this over with and claim what rightfully is mine. “Come in.”

“I have a proposition for you, and it will only cost you what is already rightfully mine.”

“Ivan, just get to the point why did you call me here.”

"We are strong Alphas, both of our packs were attacked, and we lost valuable pack members. I'm proposing that we come together as one so this way if one of us is gone the other will be here to protect the pack, so this way our pack will never be without an Alpha.”

“What are your terms?”

“I want Lilly she is my mate, she is rightfully mine.”

“I'm unable to make Lilly's decisions for her, she is her own person, I can't force her to be with you.”

“She follows you, she won't have a choice but to follow you since she sees you as her Alpha.”

“I can't make her choices for her, she will hate me.”

“So you are willing to risk the lives of your entire pack for one. She is my mate, we are meant to be together, she will come with me eventually in time.”

“I don't want anyone else to get hurt. My pack and I will benefit very well from joining your pack. But why can't you allow Lilly to choose for herself.”

“This is our best option, I will get transportation for your entire pack to be moved to wicked falls we have plenty of room and I will even give you tonight to say goodbye to Lilly to do whatever you please.”


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