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Lost in your love novel Chapter 203

If Julie admitted what she had said, all her efforts in the past few days would be in vain. Her image in James's eyes would be completely ruined.

James walked up to Gail, held her head with one hand and held her in his arms with the other. He looked at them coldly.

"James, I really didn't mean that. Please listen to me. I just want to remind Gail to pay attention to Lily, she… "

"Stop! That's enough! Don't pretend to be kind here! It's none of your business. Julie, I put up with you for the sake of our previous friendship. If you still want to hurt Gail, I will let all the men in NF City know that you have many backups." Although he had no feelings for Julie, he also investigated such an evil person.

"James, you… How can you say that? How did I offend you? Why do you slander me like this?" She said pitifully, like an abandoned little wife.

There were a lot of onlookers around her. She had to be careful, or it would be bad if they took the video.

Knowing this, James turned around and led Gail to the car.

It was the last thing he wanted to do to communicate with a brainless woman.

He held Gail's hand gently, and Gail felt at ease when she followed him. She didn't expect that he would suddenly appear and know where she was.

"James..." She called his name weakly, but he was even disdainful to talk to her.

As a matter of fact, Emily had known how powerful James was. No matter how much she hated him, she wouldn't say anything to him at this time. She finally understood that if he didn't like her, she would lose points if she said too much. She didn't like this man anymore. His behavior had already broken her heart.

The reason why she was with Julie was that she felt that Julie indeed liked James very much and felt that Julie was in the same boat with her. She had always hated Gail. Now she felt uncomfortable when she saw Gail, so she had more topics to talk with Julie.

"Julie, I know you like James, but he has already got the marriage certificate with Gail. Why do you still like him? Besides, you've already been in love, haven't you? That means you still don't like him so much. I think you'd better give up. His behavior makes you sad." Emily said. She had seen that James show no mercy to women several times, and this time he was quite polite.

When Julie heard that she had been in love, her face was a little hot, but she quickly restrained her expression and sadly looked in the direction of their departure, "It is because after being with others that I know James is the person I really love. No matter he doesn't like me or not, I have to grasp him well. Besides, I didn't want James to do anything for Gail. Even if it's not for myself, I'll let James know what kind of person Gail is." She didn't want this newcomer to get what she couldn't get.

In terms of knowledge and beauty, what on earth was Gail better than her? It was the first time that James had spoken to her so viciously for the sake of Gail.

Emily nodded, "Yes, that's right. I also think that James was seduced by Gail. He was not like this before. James used to take good care of me and play with me. But now he is scolding and shouting at me. He must have been seduced by Gail." As she thought about it, she gradually thought that James treated her like his sister before, which was also the reason why she was suddenly disappointed in James. Julie's words did make Emily thought that Gail misled James.

Julie was delighted to see that Emily also supported herself, "Yes, I remember that you liked James before because he was a gentle brother. Although he was cold to others, I was jealous when he liked to play with you. Now, he has completely changed."


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