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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 27

Chapter 027 Confession


A clap of thunder sounded from the dark blue sky. As if the thunder had struck Eliza’s forehead, the already unstable diamond crown fell with a clatter.

The rain that had been stifled for the entire morning poured down, and the

crowd dispersed. Eliza stood on the rooftop motionlessly, looking in despair at the cold figure of Owen who had left without any attachment.

Back then, he used to shelter her from the difficulties. But now, he stopped

sheltering her no matter what she had encountered. Only now did Eliza realize her mistake of breaking up with Owen back then.

Now, she had finally paid the price for her unrestrained self in those three years abroad.

A wedding that had almost become a farce ended in the heavy rain. Although the guests had not been able to witness a perfect, romantic wedding, they got to watch a good show. It could be considered a worthwhile trip and worth the money back for the gifts. The Moores did not feel humiliated. After all, they wished to cancel this wedding. As long as Owen did not marry the daughter of the Browns, they would be happy and would not mind the gossip of others. No one would dare to gossip in front of the Moores.

Moreover, Hailey was back. To them, this was something worth being happy


In contrast, the Browns were upset. The successive little episodes at the wedding made Eliza a monkey on a stand, and the Browns were humiliated. Soon, they would become the laughing stock of the wealthy families in North City. “This is ridiculous! We’re an intellectual family. I can’t believe that we raise a daughter like you! Eliza, you put shame on us!” Mr. Brown was so angry that he paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. Pointing at Eliza’s nose, he chided her harshly, and the



golden-framed glasses on his nose bounced. Meanwhile, Eliza sat on the bed and kept crying. She was still wearing the wedding dress, which was already dirty. The skirt was stained as if symbolizing her turning from a piece of white paper in Owen’s eyes to a newspaper “Alright, alright. Stop blaming Eliza. This is not her fault.” Just then, Mrs. Brown advised from the side.

However, Mr. Brown snorted coldly. “It’s all because you spoil her too much!

shouldn’t have listened to you about that ‘poor raise sons, rich raise daughters’ crap. We put so much money into raising Eliza, but in the end, she can’t even get married into a wealthy family. What’s the use of raising her?!” Being blamed, Mrs. Brown grew annoyed. “Oh, you’re starting to blame me now. I didn’t ask you to spoil her! It was your precious little sister, Maya, who keeps talking about marrying into a wealthy family! Eliza was led astray by Maya!” “Enough!”

Right then, Eliza screamed and covered her ears. “I’m already very upset. Can you stop talking?”

Before Mr. Brown could say anything else, his phone rang. It was his sister, Maya.

“It’s your aunt!” Mr. Brown and Maya exchanged a few words before handing the phone to

Eliza. With a choked voice, Eliza called, “Aunt Maya.” Then, she heard a lazy, cold voice coming from the other side of the line. “What are you crying for? Are you ready to give up just after a little setback like this?” “What can I do?” Eliza cried in despair, “He blamed me for lying to him. He said I was dirty and didn’t want me back.”

Hearing that, Maya snorted. “No matter how dirty a woman is, a man is always


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