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Love My Friends with Benefits novel Chapter 38

I was taken aback as I held on to my phone.

I'd just unblocked Leonard's number when the phone rang again.

I rejected the call at the thought of my takeaway that was almost here.

Based on my understanding of Leonard, he wasn't calling to talk about anything serious.

To my surprise, my phone started ringing again ten seconds later.

What on earth was he up to?

Helplessly, I answered the phone. "Hello?"

Leonard sounded furious. "How dare you hang up on me, Queena!"

Why wouldn't I?

I could only think that to myself. After all, Leonard was currently my only way to see Grandma. I didn't want to get myself into a mess by pissing him off.

I explained, "I'm hungry."

He didn't believe me. "There's food in the kitchen."

"Is that even edible..." I couldn't help muttering at the thought of the salty bacon.

Leonard didn't say anything. All I could hear was his ragged yet suppressed breathing. It sounded especially scary in the quiet of the night.

What was he angry about? Could it be...

Something dawned on me.

Could it be that Leonard had really cooked that terrible dish?

My heart leapt to my throat and I asked apprehensively, "Leonard, did you cook for me?"

I felt a little regretful. If I'd known about this earlier, I wouldn't have criticised the food so thoroughly. If Leonard got angry because of this, I'd be in trouble.

Fortunately, Leonard merely let out a sneer. "You wish."

This was great news.

I could rest assured. "You ordered takeaway for me? Thanks, then."


He snorted.

After that, he hung up with a loud bang.

It was probably from him slamming the phone onto its cradle.

I pouted and thought to myself how spoiled Leonard was. He'd ordered such disgusting food for me, yet he was also the one throwing a tantrum.

The fried chicken that I'd ordered soon arrived. I felt like I'd been resurrected from the dead as I gobbled down my food.

When I was done, I stood up, feeling satisfied. I wanted to throw the rubbish away.

When my eyes fell on the rubbish bin, I was stunned.

There were eggshells and the remnants of some plastic packaging in there. It matched up with the salty eggs and bacon that I'd had earlier.

I didn't know what to think as I clutched the rubbish in my hand.

It turned out that Leonard really had cooked that horrible dish.

Not only had I been unappreciative, but I'd also even criticised the food... Knowing Leonard, he was probably boiling with fury.

I wanted to call him to apologise. However, after dialling his number, all I got was a robotic recording.

"Sorry, the number you're calling is busy..."

Had he blocked me?

I felt a little dazed.

He'd told me to unblock him, yet here he was, blocking my number?

There was a saying that all men were children. I felt like Leonard was acting exactly like a child. Was he like this with Phoebe as well...

At the thought of Phoebe, my stomach roiled with disgust. I shook my head and dispelled all thoughts of her.

I told myself to just go to bed.


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