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Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18 novel Chapter 153

“Hayden…are you really here?” I asked absentmindedly.

“If you can ask a silly question like that, I think you’re fine now. I’ll take you back,” he replied before loosening his arms from around my body.

I stared up into his face although I knew that my face must look like a big mess right now with my eyes puffy, my nose red and my lips swollen from crying. However, I still wanted to see his face up close. Hayden stared down my face before he placed a large hand on top of my head and started patting my head.

“You should go back and rest,” Hayden said.

He stood up and the next thing I knew, I was being carried in his arms. I gasped in surprise before wrapping my arms around his neck. Hayden smiled down a little at me and I started relaxing in his arms. I felt so tired and weak, being pampered like this didn’t feel bad at all.

If this is a dream, I pray that I never wake up. I don’t want Hayden to ever leave my side again. My honest thoughts and my desire for him was so intense that it scared me.

Hayden drove me back to my apartment in his car. It was only when we arrived at the slightly run-down building that I realized that he hadn’t asked me where I was living. I guessed he knew everything already and I wasn’t that surprised about it. After telling him that I could walk, he offered me his arm for support before supporting me all the way to my room.

Hayden looked out of place in my small room, and I found it slightly funny despite my overall depressing mood. I wanted him to stay but I didn’t have the courage to ask outright. The thought of him leaving me all alone scared me senseless.

“You should rest,” Hayden said as he ushered me towards the bed.

I got in bed with his urging and laid down. As he sat down on the floor next to my bed and watched me silently. If prince charming ever visited Cinderella in her small room under the roof, this would probably be what it’ll look like, I thought as a small smile curved my lips.

“Hayden…please hold me…” I whispered.

Those words escaped my lips before I could process them. I can’t believe that I just said that out loud. Hayden’s eyes widened a little at my forward plead and I reached out to hold his hand in mine. There’s no going back now. I pleaded to him with my eyes for him to come closer. I saw hesitation flicker on his face for a split of a second before he slowly got into bed with me. I smiled and opened my arms to him as he lowered himself down onto the bed next to me.

In the next moment, I was in his arms with my face buried in his hard chest. He’s so warm and I love how he smells. Everything about the fact that he was here with me comforted me and made me feel like everything would be ok. I clutched at this shirt with my hand as I cried softly against his chest, and he stroked my hair comfortingly.

He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t need to. Just having him here with me was more than enough already. I could hear his steady and strong heartbeat and my crying slowly started to cease. My eyes hurt so much, and I knew that I had to stop crying. The pain of losing my grandmother felt so raw and intense that it was hard to control.

“Thank you…for being here with me, Hayden…” I thanked him.

“You should get some sleep…” he said.

“Will you…be here?” I asked, hopefully.


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