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Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18 novel Chapter 78

Hayden just stood next to me and smiled brightly as he brought an arm up and placed it over my shoulders, hugging me to his side. My whole body froze.

“Oh…who’s this?” one of my girl friends asked with clear interest.

“He’s so hot…he’s so hot…” another one whispered to the girl next to her.

“Who is he, Malissa?” Jenny asked as she stared at me.

Why did he have to turn up here? I just told these girls that I was completely single and had no time for dating. This is so misleading…

“Umm…this is…” I said as I struggled to come up with something that would be believable.

Now what? Do I tell them that he is my friend? My distant cousin…?

“I’m Malissa’s boyfriend. My name is Hayden,” Hayden said loudly and clearly as he pulled me roughly against him. I felt both of his arms around my neck as he hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my head.


“Wow! Really?” Jenny exclaimed excitedly while the other girls had similar reactions of shock.

“Malissa…you never told us that you had a boyfriend?” a girl said as she narrowed her eyes at me.

Well, that’s only because I didn’t have one. I mean, I still don’t have one.

I got her hidden message immediately. They’re going to grill me for not telling them and get me to tell them all the details about this later. Unfortunately, I couldn’t tell them anything about the debt, the contract, or the mafia.

I glanced at Hayden and cursed him internally. While I was worried about being discreet, this guy was so used to attracting attention.

“Oh, sorry about this. I didn’t know that you were bringing a plus one. Seriously, you should have told me so that I can book another seat,” Jenny quickly said politely after recovering from her initial shock at Hayden’s sudden appearance.

“That’s ok. I’ll bring a chair over,” Hayden said as he smiled his angelic smile at my friend.

I sighed softly to myself as I watched a bright red blush take over my friend’s face at the sight of Hayden’s mesmerizing smile. Another victim down. I guess this was why they say the devil is bewitching.

I sat back down in my seat as I tried to figure out how to deal with Hayden. He’s not going to say anything weird that will expose our twisted contract, right? I glanced over at Hayden who was bringing a chair over to our table.

This is a disaster. This is a disaster. This is a disaster. These words kept on replaying in my head.

Hayden brought a chair over and sat down next to me at the table. My friends couldn’t help but stare at Hayden and I guess that I could understand their reaction. Hayden and his looks truly stood out from the crowd.

“So…Malissa, why don’t you tell us more about your boyfriend?” my friend asked.

“Umm…actually, he’s not really…” I began denying.

“Oh, there’s no need to be shy!” my girl friend said excitedly.

“Malissa’s pretty shy about telling people about us. We just started dating a few weeks ago,” Hayden said smoothly.

“Oh wow. So…how did you guys meet?” my friend asked eagerly.

Here comes the classic question. I can’t believe we’re going through this. What am I supposed to say? That we met because the head of the Torex mafia gang forced me to live with his son for 30 days to settle a huge debt?

“Umm…we….” I struggled to answer.


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