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Love Wins Over Lust novel Chapter 30

"I am ashamed of my son, Aurora. I understand the pain you went through…"

Aurora shook her head and patted Penny's hands in comfort. "You are taking it all wrong Penny. Your son was a certified jerk, even now he sometimes behaves like one but now he is a completely different person from what he was a few months ago," she said, Penny searched her eyes to see if Aurora was doing what she used to do, hiding the truth of her husband.

"You can share the truth of your relationship, Aurora. Don't be afraid of Liam."

"Liam has ruined his image in everyone's eyes," she said, shaking her head. "When he was pretending his love, everyone believed him, and now that he loves me, everyone is doubting him. My poor husband!"

Penny visibly relaxed when she noticed the sparkle of happiness in her eyes. "Thank you for clearing all my doubts dear, you don't know how guilty I have been feeling since last night. "

Aurora smiled. "I know, initially when I found out about my pregnancy, I was scared too but then I saw how happy he was hearing the news. Liam is what he is and I have accepted his reality. I won't say that it was easy for me when I came to know about his and my dad's real identity, I was shocked, Penny. I went numb when Thomas told me about my dad's real business but when he told me that my mother knew about it and the story behind her death. I know that I have to accept this reality. Liam is not perfect but he is perfect for me. I love him, Penny."

Penny smiled. "This Love made people do silly things, Aurora. I want to run away from this life to save my husband but I guess…" she sighed and looked down sadly.

"I have asked Liam to talk to you and he will do it, and I am sure that right now he must be getting out his frustration on something. But he will come to you, Penny and soon."

"I can't thank you enough, Aurora. I can't thank you enough, my dear child."

She shrugged her shoulders. "You can thank me by ordering one more cup of this jelly ice cream. I am loving it. You know what, I will be taking a whole bunch of this home because it's yummy!" She said, moaning loudly. Her moans made a few heads turn towards their table.

"Alright, one more ice cream on the way, Aurora," Penny laughed and ordered a big cup of jelly ice cream for Aurora.

Aurora was in a dilemma. She wanted to talk to Penny about it but didn't know how to start the conversation. "Penny, is there any girl in Ralph's life?"

Penny frowned. "Not that I know, but why are you asking?"

Aurora shrugged her shoulders. "I just asked, you know…"

Penny raised her brows. "There might be someone he wants but…"

"But what? Don't tell me it's someone else, I won't let him move on in life when Susan…" Aurora's mouth hung open seeing the look of victory on her

face. "Now you will tell me exactly what happened between my son and your friend, Aurora."

"You all are the same. Your husband, your son and you too," she huffed and then laughed. "But I like you the most among other members of your family after my husband."

"Thank you for the compliments but now tell me about Susan and Ralph."

"I don't know much except for what Liam told me, they were in a relationship and then they broke up."

"That's it! You don't know what happened between them, the reason for their break up?"

Aurora sighed deeply, shaking her head. "No, Susan didn't tell me the whole truth except he used her to keep an eye on me and when she came to know about it she kicked him out of her life. But I know that's not it, there is more, Penny, much more! I know Susan enough to know that if she gets into a relationship with him. It was not a plaything for her. I don't want her to lose something precious. She is broken and hurt inside, her past played a big role in it but I want her to forget her past and move on with happiness."

"I talked with Ralph but I am not sure what he is thinking at this moment, I only want my children to be happy," she looked at Aurora who was lost in deep thought.

"Penny, shall we try to help them… you know in bringing them together," she asked with excited eyes.

Penny shook her head. "I tried but after last night, I think it's best if Ralph and Susan solve their own problems, Aurora. Ralph looks like a good-hearted nice man but I know he has another side which he hides from everyone. A dark and dangerous side, I love him but I don't want someone to suffer the same fate we both went through. If Susan loves him and if Ralph loves her, they will find each other again. No matter how difficult or darker their journey will be, we should let them be the guide on their own roads and not interfere in their journey."

Aurora blinked twice, her throat tightened with emotions hearing her mother-in-law. "I understand the path I crossed for my love, this journey was not at all an easy one for me. I was a completely different person before meeting Liam and now I am completely changed from that bratty, childish Aurora but now," she touched her belly, "the fruit of our union is here and this journey gave me the love of my life, Penny. And it wouldn't have been possible without Susan. She pushed me to be with Liam and now, I want her to feel the same happiness I am feeling, I want her to be with the love of her life and I know Ralph is the only one for her."

Penny nodded. "I pray that they will find each other."

Aurora inclined her head. "Me too," she said and then took a big spoon of ice cream in her mouth. "Can you order another cup…" that made Penny laugh but she ordered another cup of the ice cream for her.

"He cancelled the drug delivery from Moscow."

Liam snapped his eyes at Ralph who informed him about it with a stoic face. But Liam's reaction was exactly the opposite of Ralph's. His mind burst with Rage. "I knew it, I knew he would do something like this. He wants to start an open war with Liam Knight. Fine, I don't care about anything anymore, this time no one will come between us. Not my friend and neither any other relationship. Dmitry Kyschove will cry bloody tears for this."

Ralph sighed and leaned back in his chair casually. "He is doing what he is known for, Liam. Taking revenge, have you forgotten how he took power in Russia? He is literally known as the monster. I told you many times not to harm Alexandrio but you not only attacked him but his wife too and you think Dmitry will not take revenge! He was silent for the last few months and that's because he wanted you to get relaxed and now he struck and I know it won't be the last time he is doing it."

Liam punched the desk hard, the things over it scattered like broken leaves, "Fine, he wants revenge from me, he can do whatever he wants because he will suffer for every single attack he does to me," he snapped at Ralph who was about to speak but stopped when Liam's cell phone rang.

He frowned seeing the Caller ID. "What? Who is it?"

"Dmitry Kyschove!"

Chapter 30. 1

Chapter 30. 2


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