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Man, what's wrong with you? novel Chapter 47

Everyone was stunned by this sudden turn of events.

Chester was still busy discussing work with Steve when he heard the deafening noise. He looked back and found that the woman who had fallen over looked quite familiar.

"It's Sherry," someone said.

It didn't take long Chester to recognize her but by the time he did, Steve was already running to where Sherry was.

As the waitress was reaching over help Sherry, a figure came.

Jeremy was just talking to Sherry a minute ago at the corridor to the bathroom. How could this have happened?

Jeremy's face darkened when he saw Sherry lying on the floor. He quickly went over to Sherry.

"Damn it!" he said in a low voice as he leaned over to Sherry.

Sherry groaned as the harsh light hit her eyes and the panicked screams of the people around her throbbed in her ears. She tried to stand up on her own but when she lay her hand on the floor for support, she felt a pang of pain.

She hadn't known that the ground was scattered with shards of glass. Thus, her hand started bleeding.

Jeremy walked up to her and hurriedly said, "Don't be afraid, Sherry. I'm here."

Sherry hated it whenever she heard Jeremy's voice. Despite the pain, she forced herself to stand up but to no avail.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of warm hands on her shoulders picking her up off the floor.

The next thing she heard was Jeremy's low voice calling her, "Sherry? Answer me!"

"Stop shouting. I'm not dying!" Sherry snapped.

"What happened?" Steve asked in surprise.

Jeremy had already taken her in his arms and he hurriedly attempted to leave.

Chester seemed slightly angry. He had taken off his coat upon arrival but he saw a waiter nearby handing Jeremy's coat back to him.

Jeremy then put Sherry aside in his seat. When he withdrew his hands, he noticed that his arms had been stained with blood.

At the sight of this, he felt heartbroken.

The waitress was frightened by Steve's questioning. She kept apologizing to Sherry, "I'm sorry, Miss Xu."

She took out a piece of tissue and attempted to approach Sherry when Jeremy suddenly barked, "Get out of here!"

The waitress shrank back and guiltily stepped aside.

Jeremy put his coat on Sherry, held her shoulder, and let her lean on him.


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