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Married to the President novel Chapter 169

"...Please forgive Julia. He is your brother and he realized his error. Don't send him out of Li's family.

Don't debar him from the company. Please put his fault on my shoulders and blame me for it.

You can divide his properties and give a part of it to Rita but don't freeze his account. He has paid for his sins already by losing his child.

You can imagine his pain and grief at this time. If anything happens to any of your sons, wouldn't you grieve as well? That's exactly how your brother is feeling right now...” Cheng Li was persuading.

There was silence for a long time. Everyone thought Junxie was going to argue but he didn't say anything. He looked at Theresa Mo and said;

"Let's go home" and stood up. His parents knew he was angry that they let Julia do whatsoever he likes and not get punished for it.

Carol Li knows better than anyone else that Junxie's temper is like that. When he is not allowed to have his way he walks away and never talks about that matter again but if anything happens afterwards, don't get him involved.

Theresa has no option than to follow after Junxie offers her his hand. She took it and stood up, she glanced at Junxie's mother and she shook her head.

"Actually, I want to stay and look after mum a little" Theresa Mo gave an excuse, withdrawing her hand from Junxie's.

Junxie Li squinted. She doesn't want to go with him as well? She's giving excuses to keep him back.

“Who’s more important to you? Me or mum?" Junxie Li demanded. He glared at her with an unhappy stare.

“Actually, its mum" Theresa replied and Julia raised her head and stared at her. She had called for a quarrel with Junxie. She stared at Junxie eyeball to eyeball.

For a few seconds, they both stared at each other. Junxie's stare gradually turned cold and Theresa gently looked away.

Without another word, Junxie turned and was walking out when his father called him back "Junxie my dear"

He passed but didn't look back. “I know you are unhappy with my interference with Julia's punishment. But please, don't walk away" Cheng Li coaxed.

Junxie turned abruptly and answered "You are concerned about your son right? It's fine. I will return to my Mansion and concentrate on my sons as well.

You have two sons, and I have two sons as well. Let each of us concentrate on our kids. I don't want to have anything to do with your son anymore.


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