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Married to the President novel Chapter 39

Resignation letter! Theresa left the company? On what basis? She left because of him?

He went through the resignation letter reading every line several times. No wonder she insisted that he go through the plan and see if there are places she should correct.

Junxie Li sighed. Why does she detest him so much? He had never done anything to destroy her or tarnish her image.

If he had found her that day after the incident of that night, perhaps she wouldn't have gone through all she experienced.

He wants to mend the broken pieces of her life but she doesn't want to give him a chance. Theresa is a rare asset to the company that he wouldn't have wanted her to go from him and the company at large.

Feeling unhappy, Junxie Li closed the office without going through the plan again.

He would be heading to Li's residence where his kids are. Those kids were the reason for the cross between him and Theresa.

If they never existed, he probably wouldn't have known the woman that night now works directly with him.

He got in and his Chauffeur drove him to Li's residence. All through the way there, the Chauffeur kept glancing at his boss from the rear view mirror and saw him looking depressed.

What might have been making the President so unhappy?. He looks arrogant and seems not to welcome people judging from afar, but in the real sense, he is a great person to be with.

His assistant Pascal Lee often interacts with him like friends. He is friendly and kind to be with, especially those that are close to him.

"President Li, is everything alright?" The chauffeur asked when he arrived at the parking lot of Li's residence. He had to ask as being concerned about his boss.

Junxie Li smiled faintly. He massaged the bridge between his temple. He looked at his chauffeur and asked:

" How do you feel when someone you once tried to help misunderstood you and hates you to the extent of seeing you as her sworn enemy.

Or how will you feel when you weren't even given the chance to express yourself? Have you ever found yourself in such an awkward position?" Junxie Li inquired.

The Chauffeur looked away. Such a difficult condition to find oneself. He shook his head in the negative. "It's a difficult condition, and it's definitely not a pleasant one," he answered.

He grinned weakly and stepped out not saying anything again. He told the Chauffeur to close for the day and took the car key away from him.

He stepped into the house and didn't see anyone. He was going to ask when one of the servants came to inform him that his parents and brother were on the football field.

"Where are my sons?" He asked further. Those kids were the only part of Theresa he will never let go.

"The young masters are playing football with their uncle sir and your parents are the spectators" the servant informed.

Junxie Li turned and went out. He wants to see his kids playing football. They love sports as well? He and Julia had always dreamed of becoming an athlete.

He hadn't gone far when he saw the little fellow running around on the field. Julia was putting on a short and his kids were putting on identical sportswear as well.


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