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Married to the President novel Chapter 48

"I don't want to pretend. I really want to start a relationship with you. Let's be lovers, maybe you will be able to forgive me for that night. Then we will be married if you want" Junxie Li said, gazing at her.


He doesn't have anything to be sorry for that night but now, to let things go smoothly, he had to say those lines.


"Aren't you engaged?" Theresa Mo asked. She doesn't want to be a mistress.


"I already broke up the engagement for a while now. I am single" Junxie Li said.


"I haven't gotten over what happened between us in the past. So starting a relationship with you is scary, ``Theresa Mo added.


"You may not believe it. But I didn't rape you that night. I slept with you but it wasn't a rape. But for the sake of our kids, let's be one and make them happy"Junxie Li coax.


Theresa wondered what happened that night but said nothing. This wasn't the time to talk about that. She had to go with him for Tim and Lee's sake.


" Ok. Let's be lovers then "Theresa Mo agreed and Junxie Li said thanks to her. "Can I kiss you at least?"Junxie Li asked.


Theresa Mo didn't answer but he drew closer to her and placed his lips on hers. It wasn't like the first time in front of the kids but this was real, not acting.


Theresa felt his lips soft. He started gently but then the kiss intensified. Theresa Mo felt a fire was being ignited in her.


She opened up to the kiss and Junxie Li went deeper, taking her tongue and engrossed in the act.


Theresa lost every sense of rationality and crossed her hand over his neck. She felt his lower part hardened and Theresa's boops readily pressed against him.


Suddenly, he pulled out. Theresa's lips were red and he's was more pinkish. He pulled her into his embrace and caressed her hair. "Good night my babe" Junxie Li said and stood up.


Theresa Mo saw him leave the room and didn't see him return that night before she slept off.


When she woke up the next morning, she found herself wrapped in an embrace. Junxie held her by her waist and was fast asleep.


Theresa Mo yawned and wondered when the intimacy became so grounded that Junxie Li now holds her waist while sleeping?


Anyways, she isn't offended at all. Rather, she seized the opportunity to look at him properly. He is a very handsome man and with his roughed hair, he looked boyish.


After some time, she decided she wants to get out of bed. She tried to loosen his grip on her and slip away but he suddenly tightened his grip on her more. She sighed softly and remained in the same position.


Slowly Junxie Li opened


his eyes. He let go his hands on her waist. "Good morning Junxie," Theresa Mo said, smiling.


"Good morning,"He said, smiling at her and standing up. His hair was really looking rough and there were dark lines below his eye lids.


He hadn't slept enough, in fact he definitely would have slept very late. He groggily went towards the bathroom, obviously to relieve himself.


Theresa Mo felt pressed and she waited for him to be out. From the glass door he saw her shadows lingering.


He stepped out. His waking up appearance looked a little different from his usual looks. He looked handsome from another perspective but looked younger and boyish.


"There's a set of toiletries I got for you. I hope you like it,"Junxie Li said just as Theresa Mo was about to step in.


"Thank you" Theresa Mo appreciated it and went in. She was surprised to see it exactly like Junxie's. Did he say he hoped she liked it?


She loves it. This is the femine made of his toiletries. Gush she can imagine what her skin would look like in a couple of days.


She took her bath and perceived the scent on her skin was nice. The scent is going to last long on her skin for the entire day.


When she came out of the room, she didn't see Junxie. She dried her hair and found another collection of cosmetics ranging from body cream, a makeup kit, hair spray and perfume among others.



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