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Married to the President novel Chapter 53

There was silence for quite a few seconds. No one expected such foul words from Julia. Even Junxie Li wasn't expecting his brother to say such words.

He sighed and massaged the bridge between his eyes. He seemed to look at Yolanda Zu from his split vision and saw that Julia was actually right.

He wanted to laugh but stopped himself from laughing out loud in order not to provoke the Zu's further.

Julia is an asshole. He had never taken note of that aspect and besides what does that implies? Everyone has their own peculiarities and it goes the same for men.

Some men can have large things while others are almost the size of a chopstick. Junxie Li found himself holding back his laughter with great difficulty.

"Momma!!"Yolanda Zu sobbed out and shrugged into her mother's arms. Not only has she been rejected, she was bullied and now she has been insulted.

She can't take it anymore. She has lost her pride before the Li's. If such insults get out there, she would lose face completely.

Brenda Zu was fuming with anger. Her complexion had turned green as her veins popped out and her eyes suddenly turned red.

These boys of the Li's family had crossed their limits. They dare to insult their dear Yolanda? She will see that they pay compensation for what they just said.

Meanwhile, Cheng Li and his wife Carol Li exchanged glances. What the hell did Julia say before a girl and her family?

How can he suddenly go shameless with his utterances? Even if Junxie Li insisted on breaking the engagement with Yolanda Zu, at least, they were engaged to each other for two years. He shouldn't insult her like this.

"Julia!!" Carol bellowed "Get out!!" Julia looked innocent as if he hadn't said anything wrong. He knew what he said was making some people mad, but put on a look like someone who has just been bullied.

"But mum, don't be hard on him. It is Yolanda and I that have issues, but she's here with her parents and my own parents are here too.

Her brother accompanied her, so Why can't my own brother accompany me as well? If Julia leaves, then Brian Zu will leave as well. Let's be fair to each other" Junxie Li asked.

"I won't take this nonsense anymore. This engagement is cancelled.Dad, mum why are you lingering and allowing this swine insult my sister?

Junxie Li doesn't deserve her anyway. She would have managed and put up with him for the sake of the friendship existing between you parents. He is involved with women and has kids already.

Even if Yolanda marries him, her Son can't be heir to the Li's family. She and her children will be relegated to the background" Brian thundered.

He was the most angry one among the Zu's seated. He clenched his teeth and snorted as he looked from Junxie Li to Julia. He doesn't know who he should be more upset about.

"Who is best referred to as a swine between you and I? Your personality is reckoned with going about with things in skirts. My brother has kids, at least that shows he's a man.

With your numerous women, who among them have given birth to a child? Are you even a man?" Julia fired back. This fellow that changes women like he changes his suit dares to call him a swine. Idiot.

"You?!" Brian thundered angrily. He dares question his ability to get a woman pregnant? What insolence!


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