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Married to the President novel Chapter 80

Rita was lost. Junxie Li's girlfriend? If she's not mistaken, the Junxie Li she's talking about is the same as President Li, Julia's elder brother.

She was a little calm. She let Theresa Mo hold her hands. Her suspicion that she might be Julia's girlfriend was dissipated.

"You mean President Li?" Rita asked to be sure. Theresa Mo gave a nod. She saw the surprise on her face and knew she least expected her to be Junxie's woman.

" Julia is a friend as well. He told us about you" Theresa Mo paused and withdrew her hands from Rita, picking up a glass of juice, she had a quick sip.

"Yeah. He told you I am pregnant right?" Rita asked. She took a glass of her juice and sipped as well. She knew for Theresa Mo to come to see her, it implies that he must have told them about the pregnancy.

"Yes. He told us that you are pregnant"Theresa Mo answered honestly. If Julia hadn't told them about the pregnancy, how else would she have known about it?

Rita was quiet. She wants Theresa Mo to go ahead with what she was saying. It doesn't just end there that Julia told her and Junxie Li about the pregnancy, there's still something she wants her to know.

"And I have come to beg you to keep the pregnancy! Julia told us everything, give him time, he doesn't seem to be ready for marriage yet nor does he have it in mind that you would be pregnant.

It's too sudden. He can't just make up his mind so quickly and say he was going to get married overnight.

But while waiting for him to make up his mind, don't let anything happen to that Pregnancy. We all look forward to seeing it soon" Theresa Mo coaxed.

Rita's eyes became moist. Julia wouldn't even talk to her so calmly. He was rough and authoritative in his tone. And here is his brother's girlfriend, talking like she was responsible for the pregnancy.

"I love Julia.

But I can't be an unmarried mother. If Julia doesn't get ready to make me his woman, I will terminate the pregnancy"Rita declared.

"Don't talk rashly like that. The baby you are carrying is yours as much as it is Julia's. A mother doesn't talk about killing her own child that way" Theresa Mo reprimanded her.

Only prostitutes think about aborting their child as if it is the same as going to a pea. She can't just talk about abortion so flippantly without feeling a pinch on her conscience.

The thing formed in her belly is going to develop into a human being in a couple of months.

"That's the only option I can give Theresa. Julia is a womaniser. Despite the fact that I love him, he doesn't consider that fact.

Besides sleeping with me, he doesn't need me for anything else. It's been two years now and all I have ever been is a sex mate.

If he doesn't marry me, I will abort the pregnancy in a couple of days time and I will refuse to see him or anyone else from his side.

I will let him go and move on with my own life. This is the junction where our relationship gets solidified or we go our separate ways,"Rita explained briefly.


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