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Mates with Alpha Maddox novel Chapter 41

Jayda's POV

Nikki quickly dragged me to her car, her grin lighting up her face.

I put my seatbelt on and turn to her.

"What has gotten into you?" I ask with a small laugh.

"You told me you've been vomiting everytime you smell sea food or someone smoking" Nikki mentions and I nod.

"Yeah, I hate it. It leaves this nasty taste in my mouth and my throat feels acidly"

"You also have been sexually active with my brother for about a month already" she says and my eyes widen.

Blushing, I mumble "Can we please not talk about my sexual life. It's awkward talking about it"

Nikki stares blankly at me. "Why is it awkward?"

"Because he is your brother" I exclaim covering my face.

She rolls her eyes "Anyways, ignoring your stupid logic. When was the last time you've had your period?"

I shrug "I am irregular so I can go months without my period"

"Hmm, that doesn't tell me much but the fact that you vomited means something!" Nikki points out.

I nod slowly "Yes, that smoking is disgusting"

"No!" Nikki snaps and I raise my hands in mock surrender.

"Chill" I mumble and she sighs.

"You are being difficult"

I snort "I know what you are thinking Nicole, but I am not pregnant. I think I would have figured it out already if I was"

Nikki puts her seatbelt on, then starts driving "We'll see"

5 minutes later I speak up. "Nikki"

"Yeah?" She asks, fiddling with the radio.

"I need to go pee" I say, crossing my legs.

She frowns "Again? You went pee while we were at lunch and before we left home"

I shrug, fidgeting in my seat "I don't know. Maybe I drank too much. Who knows. Who cares just stop somewhere before I urinate in your car" I snap.

"Well then, okay" Nicole mumbles and pulls over in front of a bar.

I quickly jump out of the car and practically sprint towards the bathroom inside the bar only to find it locket.


I quickly walk towards the bar.

"Hey, excuse me. Could you please give me the key to the bathroom" I ask urgently.

The bartender looks at me. "You can't use the bathroom if you don't purchase something"

I sigh "Give me a water bottle"

He shakes his head "We don't have anymore water bottles. Sorry" he says not sounding sorry at all.

"Then give me anything, I just want to use the damn bathroon." I hiss through clenched teeth.

The bartender sighs as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders "I'll make you a mojito"

"Whatever, just give me the damn key" I growl out.

"Money first" the bartender tells me.

I hand him a 10 dollar bill and practically rip the keys from the bartenders hand.

When I finally get to the bathroom I sit on the toilet and relieve myself.

Thank the lord. I actually thought I was going to pee my pants thanks to that asshole.

When I am finally done I wash my hands and flush the toilet.

Walking out the bathroom I glare at the bartender. "What's my change?" i ask.

"Oh, i put the rest on the tip jar since you left so quickly" The bartender says, a smirk on his face.

"Fuck you" I say about to grab the mojito but thinking better of it, if what Nikki suspects is correct I won't risk the health of my baby.

"Wouldn't you want to" the bartender shouts after me.

Without looking back I raise my middle finger in the air.


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