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Matter of Love novel Chapter 862

"Yes, you're good. Are you hungry? How about we go there and have some dessert? " Greg liked this child very much.

Although Greg didn't have the feeling for him as he did for Eden, he could tell that this child was very sensible and had been carefully flattering him. Such a young child was so calm, which made him feel a little distressed.

"Mr. Wei, who are these two?" The manager of the planning department came over with a glass of wine and looked curiously at Rona and Omar beside Greg. Just now, when they came in, everyone in the company noticed them and guessed their identities.

Before Greg could introduce her, Rona smiled and said politely, "I'm Greg's fiancee. This is our child."

"Oh, it turns out to be Mrs. Wei and young master. I'm so sorry. Mrs. Wei is so young and beautiful, and young master is so obedient and sensible. Mr. Wei, you are so lucky. Ha ha..." The manager of the planning department immediately flattered Rona.

"I'm flattered. You?" Without any stage fright, Rona replied generously. She was going to help Greg manage the company in the future, so she had to deal with these senior executives well.

"I'm Kai, the manager of the planning department..."

"Nice to meet you. Thank you for your hard work in the company..."

"That's what I should do. What do you think of the current financial market, Mrs. Wei?"

Greg looked at the two people in front of him who were talking happily. Although he no longer had the feeling for Rona as he had been in love, it was undeniable that Rona was definitely good at social, which was beyond Leona's reach.

But the point was that he needed a wife who could take care of his husband and children and give him a warm harbor after he came home in the evening, not a social queen. These things could only be done by the people of the public relations department.

Although Greg didn't like this kind of social engagements, as the top decision maker of the company and he just took back the company today, he had to stand here at this time.

He was surrounded by the top executives of the company, and Rona was also surrounded by them, seeming to be skillful.

"Mr. Wei, under your leadership, our company will..."

"It's great that Mr. Wei can regain control of Will Group."

Greg kept on pretending to be nice to these people, and even Omar was taken to the dining area aside by some female employees to praise him for being smart and cute.

During this period, Greg kept looking at the direction of the door. Now more than two hours had passed, and it was time for Wayne to pick her up, wasn't it? It would be best if Wayne didn't bring Leona here. Otherwise, it would be a headache for the two women to meet each other.

Sitting in the lounge of the airport, Leona casually turned on her mobile phone and read the news. A news appeared in her eyes. The former general manager of Will Group changed his ownership again and kicked Golden Eagle Group out.

Then she continued to read the recent news of Will Group. No wonder he hadn't come back. It turned out that he had been busy with this matter these days. While looking at it, Leona picked up a cup of coffee and took a sip.


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