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Meeting You Was Fate novel Chapter 711

"She's Audrey Yao. She's a doctor in a hospital in Switzerland. She cured Adrian. She doesn't know anyone here in City A. Nobody would've picked her up if I hadn't."

"If she's from another country, why did she come to City A by herself?" Mandy asked in an aggressive manner. The real fight was about to break out.

There were two people who could make a woman brave—one was a man, and the other was a child.

As a mother, women should be strong enough to protect their children. When a woman was pursuing her true love, she also had to be brave.

Mandy guessed that the person called Audrey came to City A for Nathan's sake. She also wondered why the name sounded so familiar to her. She seemed to have heard of it before. She grew so angry that she became dizzy. After calming down, she suddenly remembered that Audrey had studied in England. They both studied medicine in Oxford, but Audrey was one year older than she was, and they had different tutors.

"Her parents passed away. She doesn't want to go back to City C anymore," Nathan explained patiently.

"So… You stayed with her the whole afternoon?" Mandy raised her eyebrows, a sarcastic smile creeping onto her red lips.

Nathan's lips pressed together into a thin line. After a few seconds of silence, he asked, "What are you really asking me, Mandy?"

"You have been changing subjects all night, Nathan. Are you hiding something? I only want you to give me a clear answer. Were you with her this afternoon?" Mandy was now a little agitated. She stared straight into Nathan's cold eyes. Her heart raced, and a sneer appeared on her face.

"Yes," Nathan answered frankly.

The Chanel No. 5 was a classic ladies' perfume. Men did not usually wear that kind of perfume. When Nathan returned to the villa tonight, the perfume on his clothes made Mandy wonder whom he had been hanging around with the entire afternoon.

Hearing what Nathan said, Mandy kept silent. She felt like she was about to cry because of his words. She suddenly felt a lump in her throat, and there was hot liquid emerging from her eyes. She gritted her teeth and asked sadly, "So, you did accompany her all afternoon. You didn't reply to my message but spent the whole afternoon with another woman."

A woman's sixth sense was really awesome sometimes. For example, Mandy's sixth sense had always been very accurate. When Nathan did not reply to her WeChat message, she had a vague feeling that he was with another woman. But she did not know what they had done when they were together. She did not even know who that woman was.

Mandy's eyes were now red from keeping her tears from falling. Although she really wanted to cry, she tried her best to hold back her tears.

When Nathan saw Mandy's piteous appearance, the anger in his heart immediately dissipated. The last thing he wanted to see was Mandy crying. Just now, he had tried to be patient, but just for a moment, he lost control of his anger and spoke to his wife in a harsh tone.

He felt wronged as well. He and Audrey were just friends, but Mandy thought otherwise. Her paranoia was a little annoying.

He stretched out his long arms to hold Mandy, and his tone suddenly became gentler. He was not good at comforting people. Nathan had always been indifferent to others, but he knew how important Mandy was to him. Having a fight over something that was not worth it was going to hurt their relationship.


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