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More Than Lust novel Chapter 40

Grace's pov

I have opened my eyes I don't how many hours ago when cold ice water splashed on my face. Only eyes are open, body is still paralyzed.

I can't move, I am lying in the corner of big container along with other girls. It's still very hard to digest the fact that i am kidnapped by human traffickers. Tears continuously flowing from my eyes but i can't wipe them because My whole body is numb. Other girls are in same condition too.

Many of them were crying loudly but it died down when those men beat them like animals.

My heart is filled with terror, i don't even want to think about end results of this situation. Where would I end up? Slave, whorehouse or worst than that?

When I realised my situation, surprisingly first person came into my mind was Chief. Will he come to save me, does he know that I have been kidnapped. I really want him to look for me, will he save me from these men just like he saved me from Alexander.

But i am stupid to think that, he is probably busy in enjoying his birthday. Celebrating his wedding announced with his fiance. Why would he even look for me?

People says right, reality is harsh, it hits worst than bullet. I am loosing hope by thinking that i have no one to think about me. No one would be thinking where am I. No one knows that I am not in the party neither at my home. Will dad look for me?

He is probably clueless about my situation. Whenever I don't come home he thinks that i am working overnight.

I want to go home. I blinked tears away. Where am I? Still in Italy or already left the city or country?

Suddenly two men barged in, looking like a typical street goons. They have already beaten many girls and forced them into submission. I won't be able to take that.

They looked at the girls like they are inspecting.

"Check this one, is she alive? We don't have time."

He nudge one girl with his foot who is unconscious due to his beatings. They are monsters.

"I told you don't go overboard... We can't kill them now. We still need five girls to complete target. We are already late for the delivery."

Another one said.

"Bora is coming with more girls, don't worry"

He replied.

Second by second fear is crawling on my every sense. God please do something, please. I don't deserve this. What have I done to deserve this? Haven't you ruined my life enough? Why are you punishing me like this? I sobbed.

"Hey, silence!"

He yelled at me making my heart skip a beat. I am not even movable enough to resist their beatings.

"Relax Man... Remember she is our special guest."

He chuckled.

What does he mean by that?

"Money, money"

He said like a maniac and laughed.

I tried to scoot back when he knelt in front of me while pushing another girl away from his site.

Tears trailed down from my eyes when he touched my bare shoulder.


I felt like vomiting after seeing his yellow and stained teeth. He is smelling terrible, like tobacco, alcohol and weed.

"She also said to treat her good"

He mocked.

"Not now, we can't ruin her body... No one will choose her."

Another one warned.

I sobbed when he said that. They are going to hit me.

He grabbed my hair almost ripping them by force.

"Shut up."

He growled on my face. My head hit hard on the metal when he slapped me.

"Not on face bastard... Are you fucking crazy"

Other man yelled at him.

Blood trickled down from my forehead and ruined my white dress. It stung very badly. I bit my lips to stop my scream.

"No problem, i will keep her for myself..."

He grinned.


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