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Mr. CEO, You're Just A Substitute novel Chapter 166

Although old Mrs. Pearson fell and broke her leg, Filip was so transparent that she was in a good mood.

The hospital turned off the lights at ten o'clock, and Filip and Florence did not stay long in the ward, old Mrs. Pearson let them go back.

Martha saw old Mrs. Pearson laughing, and now also with old Mrs. Pearson on the same line, let Filip and Florence go back first.

"All right, then, you rest early, these days, it will be hard for you, Aunt Martha."

Florence picked up her bag and got up, she glanced at Filip , "Let's go."

Filip nodded a little, said goodbye to old Mrs. Pearson, got up, and looked to Martha: "Aunt Martha, if there is any situation, feel free to contact me."

Martha nodded her head, "Master Filip you can rest assured."

old Mrs. Pearson disliked Filip: "I'll only be in the hospital for two or three days, you don't need to worry so much. You might as well worry about how to get Starry back, and I don't know if I can see it before I close my eyes."

"Then I'll go back, and you get an early rest."

This time, after he finished, he turned around and left the ward.

Florence is at the nurse's desk, asking about the specifics of old Mrs. Pearson.

Filip walked over to Florence, who had just finished her consultation, and when she saw him come out, she glanced at Filip , "Frances is in a lucky situation, she fell on her leg and didn't fall anywhere else."

Filip nodded as the two aunts and nephew walked to the elevator and he leaned over and pressed the button.

The elevator came up from the first floor and Florence inclined her head to look at him, "Are you really planning to pursue Starry again?"

At this time, the elevator just came up, Filip raised his hand to block the side of the door, waiting for Florence to enter, he raised his legs to walk in.

It was just their two aunts and nephews inside the elevator, and the door closed before he answered, "Hmm."

Florence smiled and looked at Filip for a moment: "You look like your grandfather."

Both are tough-talking.

Filip pursed his lips for a moment and didn't say anything.

He had, indeed, never thought before that he would like Starry.

After all, he is his own nephew, and his brother and sister-in-law left early, so Florence is still very concerned about Filip's life.

Flirting is flirting, Florence is indeed right, Filip's character is indeed very much like his grandfather.

Even more than that.

Florence is quite worried about Filip chasing Starry, which is counterproductive.

"Do you know how to chase girls?"

The elevator door opened and Florence asked this as she walked out.

This question is difficult for Filip , who has never pursued a woman.

Florence didn't need to think about it, "You haven't pursued a girl, and neither has aunt. But auntie is coming from a girl, so naturally she knows what kind of pursuit will make a girl like it."

Seeing him listening carefully, Florence continued to speak: "Starry is not an ordinary girl, she has an opinion, independent also have their own pride. You, on the other hand, grew up as a proud son, with a stronger self-esteem than ordinary people, after a setback, may feel that people do not know better."

Filip thought of those unpleasant since himself years ago, the mood inside the black eyes changed a bit.

"Your excellence is there for all to see, and what we can see, Starry can see too. But you want to pursue a girl, your excellence is not all your leverage. This kind of thing is the most unreasonable, sometimes she may just because you a look or an action will like you. The ability of your life, these are your added value. But if she doesn't like you, these added values will be of no use."

"Girls are very emotional, as long as you are willing to use patience and pursue her with equal respect, she will see the good in you. You must not put on this with the same means you use to talk about the project, otherwise, you will hardly get what you want even if you tie Starry back to the Pearson residence."


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