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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83

“We were able to stop any reports as of now, but Mr. Beaumont said anything could happen in the next 24 hours,” Miss Amores said as she handed Sofia her report. Sofia already expected that the media would soon find out what happened. However, she was still thankful for Alexander’s help.

She nodded in response before walking towards the boardroom where the shareholders were going to have their meeting to decide the future of the company now that Eulanda was no longer capable of being the chairman.


Sofia stopped walking when she heard a woman’s voice behind her. “Miss Paine…” Sofia said.

“How is she?” Miss Paine did not beat around the bush. Right now, all major shareholders are aware of the accident.

“The doctors are currently observing her…” Sofia said. “We are hopeful.” However, she was made aware just this morning when she woke up that even if Eulanda woke up, it would be impossible for her to become the woman she once was.

This was because of her age. She’s already in her seventies, and she was lucky to have even survived the accident!

“I hope that everything will go well…” Miss Paine said; her face was devoid of any makeup. It was also obvious that she decided to dress in a simple manner, opposite to what she used to dress in the past. “Your grandmother and I… are friends.”

“I know,” Sofia nodded. “Shall we go inside?”

“Of course.”

The two women then walked inside the boardroom, and just as expected, the others were already there, waiting for them.

“Sofia…” Lawrence said concern etched across his face. “How are you holding up?” he asked as he approached her.

“I am fine… thank you,” Sofia found her seat. She could feel everyone’s gaze on her but chose to ignore the pressure that came along with it. “Is everyone here?”

“Yes…” Mr. Lee said. Just like Miss Paine, the others seemed to have somber expressions on their faces.

“Then let me start the meeting…” Lawrence got up. “Yesterday… our Chairman Eulanda Lockhart was involved in an accident. She’s currently in the hospital. I am certain that most of you are aware of her current state?”

As always, Lawrence looked and sounded professional. He was calm and collected, not an iota of excitement could be seen in his eyes. This man was good-too good!

Sofia noticed murmurs rippling through the room as Lawrence finished his statement. Mr. Lee cleared his throat, his voice


“Mr. Lockhart, with all due respect, the board needs to know the full extent of Mrs. Lockhart’s condition. How long is she expected to be out? Can you give us a timeframe?”

Sofia narrowed her eyes. It seems that Mr. Lee wanted her to tell everyone that her grandmother might not be waking up and if she will, there is no way for her to work as the chairman!

Lawrence’s lips formed a thin line. “The doctors are still evaluating. However, they’ve made it clear that Mrs. Lockhart’s recovery, if any, will be a lengthy process.”

“We understand the delicate situation, Mr. Lockhart. But the company needs stability. We need someone to step in and lead us through this uncertain time,” Miss Paine said.

“Exactly. We need an interim CEO, someone who can handle the day-to-day operations until Mrs. Lockhart recovers, or…” Mr. Anderson trailed off, his gaze landing towards Sofia.

Sofia sighed inwardly. While she understood that business is business, these people seemed very enthusiastic to change her grandmother, right? These people knew Eulanda and Eunice for decades yet at the sign of trouble, they immediately turn

their back on them.


Chapter 83

Isn’t this comical?

Sadly, this was reality. After all, this is a dog-eat-dog world.


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