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Mr. Charles's Hidden Wife novel Chapter 120

After returning to the office, Wendy took out her phone.

After a long time, she hesitated to click open Google.

She thought she had to type the word of "Elizabeth".

But in fact, her name had been on the search list.

'Elizabeth in love with a mysterious tycoon (Hxxxxx)". "Elizabeth's fans have found they have many similar paired accessories".

Some people even posted the pictures of their rings.

The ring on the little finger of Henson's right hand looked very alike the one on Elizabeth's ring finger on the same hand.

But according to Wendy's memory, Henson had never worn a ring before.

An old picture?

After all, she knew nothing about his past.

But Wendy still felt bad to see it for no reason.

There seemed to be endless news about them, but Wendy couldn't help taking time to view it one by one.

Before she could finish her reading, her phone rang.

It was the principal. Wendy's heart sank. She picked up the phone. "Hello."

"Come to see me in the office in half an hour."

Wendy was so depressed.If someone asked her who caused the most trouble to her in the world, she would definitely mention Gorman's name.

Wendy went to the Office on time and knocked on the door.

 "Come in." The principal's solemn voice came to her.

Wendy pushed open the door. She then was stunned for a moment. Why's Henson here?

Henson looked at Wendy and smiled.

Wendy nodded towards him and gloomily walked to the principal.

"Mrs. Taylor."

"I ask you here to solve the problem for good and all so. I also asked Mr. Charles over, so that we can make it clear together."

Wendy kept silent for her following words.

"I heard from Mr. Charles that you are his girlfriend now. So you should stay away from other men, right?"

"Mrs. Taylor, please just go to the point. It's really not your style to beat around the bush."

Being humiliated in front Henson, Mrs. Taylor even couldn't fake a smile to Wendy.

She said unhappily, "I heard you irritated Gorman again today. I remember you agreed not to get involved with him in exchange of a position here, right?"

Wendy was furious now. Mrs. Taylor was purposely saying these in front of Henson.

 Henson had already declared her as his girlfriend. Mrs. Taylor was obviously implying she was dissolute.

If Henson was not here, Wendy could endure it.

But thinking of the things Mrs. Taylor had done to her before and Henson was present today, Wendy didn’t want to keep silence anymore.

She pursed her lips and smiled to say, "Mrs. Taylor, I think you probably haven't heard the whole thing. Since you had heard me from others, please be fair to check the monitor in the dining hall. Then you'll find who's bothering who today."

"Also, I really want to tell you again. Gorman might still be very outstanding in your eyes, but he is nothing to me now. Just like no one will be so disgusted to pick up the candy from the fecal drain and even stuff it into the mouth again, right?"


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