"Load up" Craig said and I heard shoes scrapped against the stones on the ground, in the parking area outside the warehouse.

I turned to see Chloe, and she said softly "Hey".

"Where have you been"?! Craig yelled and Chloe began to cry "I'm sorry-I....I-I just...with my parents and all-...and my boyfriend being kidnapped-..."

"Boyfriend my ass" I muttered and Vince, Will, and Peter all chuckled and smirked.

Vince slung an arm over my shoulders "That da' girl".

It was morning, and we spent all last night getting ready and having a plan to find Ryker. I wanted to just go find him already!

Chloe looked at me and said "He's my boyfriend Rain"!

I scoffed a laugh "Boyfriend? Haha! More like fuck buddy, he doesn't like you Chloe! And you know why? Because you're a clingy ass bitch who needs to go back from where she came from".

She slapped my across my face and I turned my cheek and it stung for a second then clutching my fist and I was quickly restrained by the guys and they all said "Rain! Rain! Calm down!"

Chloe gave a smirk and said "And you know what we're going to do when he gets back? Well it involves no clothes and a bed".

I struggled in the guys grip, and wanted to punch the living daylights out of her.

"Rain"! Reece warned and threw me over his shoulder and started to walk away.

"You mother-fucker bitch"! I yelled after Chloe as Reece walked away from everyone and set me down and I huffed then pushed my hair out of my face.

"I thought I told you, you are the Mrs. Future-Rain-Anderson" He winked and I kicked him in the shin and glared "Not the time Reece".

"Well it's not the time to kill Chloe, you can do that later. And I volunteer as tribute to help" He nodded.

I raised an eyebrow and crossed my hands over my chest "Did you just quote the Hunger Games"?

"Maybe..." He smirked and I let a small laugh escape my mouth. "Now, you done trying to commit murder"? He asked.

"When am I ever"? I remarked sarcastically.

"Point taking" He said and I chuckled.

* * * * * * *

I ran into the hotel room, and up to the front desk where the lady was.

I put my hands down on the desk and said "I need to get into room 8-A on the 7th floor"!

Everyone came up behind me and the lady raised an eyebrow "Sorry miss...but I can't let you in there".

I can't believe I'm saying this...

"Do you know who I am"? I asked in a snobby tone and she blinked and looked taken back by my tone and attitude.

"I'm Rain Thompson...the sheriffs daughter" I stated and twirled a piece of hair around my finger and her eyes widened "Oh sorry Miss Thompson, here...." then giving me the keys.

I smiled "Thank you" and walked away.

Everyone stared at me dumbstruck and Leah asked "How did you do that"?!

some advantage" I shrugged and walked to the elevator, and everyone got in and I

is here" Craig stated and I rolled

boyfriend" Chloe stated. Chloe has been trying us not to come and to let


I gave an amused look "And what signals that he's your

proudly, and I rolled my eyes "Newsflash Chloe, Ryker and

made out!" Will and Peter exclaimed happily and smirked cockily, and the elevator

Ryker Anderson

the knife I

gun in his hand "We're going to wait to kill you, till Rain gets here because it'll be more interesting to see her

at him and gritted "Don't fucking do

asked an raised an eyebrow "Because we can do much worse to her....would

and struggled under the force of the mixture of

were going to rape her, or force her to sleep with one of them, and that's not

what I thought. So tell me

clenched my jaw and muttered

He smirked and my eyes went dark and

could kill, he would have died

course I like

asshole couldn't

see I was only using Chloe to try to distract myself from Rain, but it


took his phone out and called

you fucking say


snapped as she answered the

Babe, what's wrong"? Blake

up. Nobody calls her 'Babe' but

is he"?! She

Blake asked pretending to

clenched my jaw and

Blake! I will find you, and I will castrate you with your own fucking hands, and you'll be wishing you

I smirked proudly.

That's my girl!

know you're cute when your mad...with all your

tell me where you are"! She gritted and I

and I fought back the smile

* *

as Blake cut a slit with his blade against

Blake warned "You're

die so what does it

me and grabbed a

Rhett's voice yelled and Blake dropped the gun and whirled

* *

Rain Thompson

the room and knelt down on

We drove an hour to get a box? Rain you

it but there was a lock "What? No-this doesn't make any sense. In the dream Ryker said

a DREAM Rain, they aren't real"!

7th floor and the 8th room and something under the bed. We came to the room and there was something under the bed" Leah

out a drawer and grabbed

as the clock clicked and opened. I opened the box and and saw it was some sort of

it from me then scanning over it "It was Ryker's dads. It has Anderson engraved into the side of

this hotel room"? Neil asked and

Ryker would know...unless

up in surrender, as they had no idea what it

I muttered and

sighed, and we all nodded and walked out of the

* *

the cathedral, and I

and everyone nodded and I took a deep breath. I fixed my leather jacket and tied my converses again and

guys held guns out, and I kept a blade in my pocket, and I kept

up and

hid behind a wall and heard a guys voice

thin line and stopping the rise and fall of

shut and hoped for him not to

come closer...please


to sneeze! Rain this is why you're not in horror

to hold it back by then end up

outside the door waiting for the coast to

and his eyes went dark when he saw me, I quickly

against a wall and kneed him in the balls

wide eyes, his jaw dropped, and a overall shocked expression

don't like killing people..." I said as I took one last look at the guy "Besides he never did anything

looked at me shocked "Well aren't

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