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My dear lawyer novel Chapter 300

Vivian raised her head at once and gazed at him with tear-filled eyes. She answered seriously, “Yes. William, I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

“Stop the car,” William suddenly yelled, flickering over her face with dark eyes.

Facing a dilemma, the driver said, “Mr. William, we’re on the elevated highway now...”

Wasn’t it dangerous to stop now?

“Stop!” His voice was colder.

The driver didn’t dare to defy and pulled over. Vivian bit her lips slightly, opened the door with her tied hands, and got out of the car calmly without looking back at William.

The moment the door was slammed shut, the car zoomed away without stopping for a second.

Vivian sneered at herself. Wasn’t it what she wanted? Why did her heart hurt as if being soaked in the rain, when she finally got off the car?

Vivian was right in the middle of the highway, unable to see the ends. The passing cars galloped and brought fierce gales, making her skirt fly in the air.

Hands wrapped with William’s tie, Vivian walked carefully on the curb, trying to ignore those weird gazes and whistles.

Seeing a woman with a wonderful figure walking on the highway with a dark tie wrapped around her wrists, many drivers got some sordid thoughts.

Many lascivious men slowed down deliberately and tried to start up a conversation. “Hey, beauty, do you need a ride?”

Vivian accelerated her footsteps and bent her head in silence.

The horns and roars of vehicles behind urged the man to speed up. Her indifference irritated him. The driver cursed, stepped on the accelerator, and zoomed away, causing a puff of dust.

“Fuck. You’re just an abandoned whore. Pretend to be noble? Bah.”

Vivian frowned slightly and coughed several times after being choked by the dust. She kept moving forward.

Under the scorching sun, Vivian walked for a while in sweat. Her scattered hair on the forehead stuck to her skin. However, she still dragged her legs forward, as if she was numb.

Vivian almost burst into tears several times but tried to still hold back the tears. She also wanted to call, not wanting to be a laughing stock. However, her hands were tied, so she was unable to take out her phone.

“See? That’s the man you loved for four years. As long as you offend him, he wouldn’t show any mercy.”

What he like was her appearance, but the inner beauty hiding under the skin.

The man she loved was an unreachable mountain, a running river, an untouchable white cloud. She was the silliest woman in the world.

As she walked, Vivian seemed to recall something hilarious and burst into gales of laughter. Shoulders shaking uncontrollably, hands covering her belly, she squatted down.

On this elevated highway with endless traffic, there was only one endless road and a pathetic woman. Her tears fell down uncontrollably.

Vivian, you were as pathetic as a dog.


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