My Dear Mr. Nice

My Dear Mr. Nice

Authors:Zack Hawkins
Num Chapters:216
Newest Chapter:

Chapter 222 : Why Don'T You Show Off Your Flirtatiousness?

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Her boyfriend and cousin are setting up Micaela to give her away to an older man! Micaela struggles to escape and accidentally crashes into the arms of the cold president Carlos. Micaela thought she was finally saved, but then Carlos asked Micaela to be his lover before he would save her! Micaela has no choice but to compromise and agree to Carlos' unreasonable demands. Just as Micaela prepares for a grim life, she gets a series of high-profile acts of pampering from Carlos.Not only does he help her teach her asshole boyfriend and heartthrob cousin a lesson, but he also gets her her favorite job and Micaela becomes the darling of an exclusive marriage!


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My Dear Mr. Nice

My Dear Mr. Nice

216 Chapters

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