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My Dreamy Old Husband novel Chapter 132

After Sophia read the content, she was so furious that she slammed the table and rose to her full height. Nate is such a young child! It’s already enough that he is ruined by Michael, but these fujoshis still included him in their wild imaginations! I can’t tolerate this anymore!

Then, she quickly contacted Hale. “Ask someone to delete the post in Bayside University’s forum with the ID1315455. Damn it! What the hell was that?”

After calling him, Sophia kept refreshing the forum page while waiting for the ‘Taylor Murray x Nathan Fletcher’ post to disappear.

Hale had no interest in reading any homosexual fanfictions. Since it was rare for her to order him to do something, he took a glance at it after finishing the mission, curious at the thing that caused so much hate in Harry and Michael.

With that, Hale opened a new wormhole that he never knew existed…

In the fanfictions, a few of his bosses were engaged in different actions. To him, it was something he had never seen before, so it was rather interesting to be reading about it. The more he read them, the more interested he was—until he saw a fanfiction titled ‘Taylor Murray x Bodyguard’.

Some pictures were also attached to that piece.

The pictures were taken a while ago by fans when Hale held an umbrella for Michael. Back then, Michael’s character was a mafia boss, so he was dressed in a fierce attire with a cigarette in his mouth as props. On the other hand, Hale was dressed in all black while holding up the umbrella for him. At that instant when they were photographed, Michael was saying something to him with a frown, looking unhappy.

Hale lowered his head, looking as if he had done something wrong and was aggrieved.

That picture spread like wildfire on Taylor Murray’s fan page, becoming the basis of dozens of fanfictions…


Finally, he had personally experienced the terror of being one of the characters in the fanfiction.

Sophia stayed in front of the laptop and continuously refreshed the page, finally breathing a sigh of relief when the post about Nathan had disappeared. She turned to look at him—he was sound asleep in his blanket with a frog printed on it

Seeing his chubby and pinkish cheeks, he was undeniably cute, no matter from which angle she looked from.

Oh, how can someone simply be so cute? I just want to cuddle him and pinch him on his cheeks.

After looking at his sleeping face for a long time, she decided to protect him as his mom.

Even if she had to sacrifice herself, she also wanted to protect him from being ruined by Michael, that Beast.

After her firm resolution, she continued to monitor her stocks—her goal was to earn as much money as she could until she was financially stable to protect Nathan.

Suddenly, her iPad chimed as she received countless friend requests on Messenger.

After clicking to open all of them, a handful of friend requests sent by Sophia’s classmates flooded her page—including the ones from Sean and Sarah, whom she had encountered at the army training. She accepted their requests happily.

Apart from them, one of the requests had surprised her.

It was from Xyla, whose profile picture was an intimate selfie of her and Richard. Her alias was ‘XylaxRichard’, as if she couldn’t wait to tell the entire world that she was now dating Richard.

Sophia simply accepted the request with her real name as her alias.

However, as soon as she accepted it, Xyla flooded her inbox with many messages. ‘Sophia, it was because of my immaturity in the past that I’ve done many wrong things to you. I’m sorry and I hope you will accept my apology.’

After glancing at it, Sophia did not bother to reply and placed her iPad aside. Then, she continued to look at the stock market and housing prices. The few stocks that she had invested in gained returns and construction was about to be started on the piece of land that Michael had invested in. Its Feng Shui was appraised by Daniel, who claimed that it will bring good luck upon them. On top of that, the location was very strategic and she would definitely profit from it once the construction had been completed.

Sophia looked at the stocks happily while eyeing her iPad from time to time and noticed that Xyla had sent her many weird messages.


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