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My Dreamy Old Husband novel Chapter 19

As soon as Michael was gone, Sophia needed to restrain herself. Fortunately, she had another identity—a student of Bayside University. Bayside University was the top university in Cethos and they emphasized on nurturing students, so they wouldn’t simply allow their students to skip classes like other universities.

The university also had a very strict credit system and school rules, so any violation of those rules would lead to a deduction in credit. It didn’t matter who you were because those who looked down on the school, had disciplinary problems, or even earned bad grades would be expelled from the school immediately.

No matter how rich and powerful the people were, once they were expelled from the university, there was no coming back.

Sophia felt more secure with her identity as a student of Bayside University. Michael can’t force me to drop out of school and go home to be with him. If he really tortures me to death, he will be responsible for everything when the school investigates about it.

Every student in the university was carefully chosen, especially civilians like us who were admitted solely based on our academics. Therefore, everyone in the university is a high-achieving scholar.

Daytime was Sophia’s free time and she could decide the number of hours she wanted to stay in school. Therefore, she signed up with a few clubs at once and she even chose three elective courses that were carried out during the evening. She also filled up her schedule with personal training courses in the gym.

Seeing her schedule that was filled with classes and gym courses from 7AM to 9PM, she felt that she could finally stay at school in the open for the whole day without returning home. I can even directly apply to stay in school through Michael.

After all, it takes half an hour to reach here from home, and Bayside City is globally renowned for its traffic, so sometimes, we may not even reach home within an hour. Let’s just see how long I can drag this.

Sophia was content with herself—even though her Yamaha bike was confiscated, she still could shuttle around the school ground on her skateboard.

She felt like a happy little bird and Michael was an old, wrinkly woman who always tried to keep her in a bird cage.


Holding onto the class schedule that she had just filled, she made her way toward her next class but seemed to feel that someone was watching her from the back. When she turned her head, there wasn’t anything strange behind her.

From the moment she entered school today, she felt goosebumps all over her body, as if a pair of eyes secretly watched her every move. Could it be someone from the Harper Family?


But they won’t dare to lay their hands on me on the university campus. Maybe it’s because that pervert is back, so I’m starting to hallucinate due to stress. Sophia thought about it in that way, so it didn’t concern her.

However, right at that moment, her fully-packed schedule fell into Michael’s line of vision. He stopped at the right moment and enlarged her timetable to see the elective courses she chose.

Food nutrition, social etiquette and English as well as sex and health education… She even signed up for three clubs—culinary culture club, drama club and the night marathon club. Her timetable is fully-stacked.

Elective courses start in the evenings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and her club activities are held every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Night marathons were scheduled for every weekend. Her whole day is almost filled with classes and she even enrolled in a personal training course at the gym. Is she planning not to come back and see me even during the weekends?

“Tsk!” He exclaimed once again. Am I that terrifying? What makes her so disgusted of me?

He chewed on a piece of gum, revealing a profound smile on his lips. Gary, who drove the car, saw his sweet smile in the rearview mirror and instantly knew that he might be up to something no good.

Sophia had a busy day at school today. When she left the university’s gate, it was already 6.30PM. However, her elective courses hadn’t started yet because it was the beginning of an academic year, so she didn’t have any other classes to attend in the evening.

Therefore, she planned to change her clothes and have a meal before playing games in a cybercafe until 10PM when it was time to return home.

Just as she had everything planned out for the night, she received a phone call from Hale. “Madam, Boss has asked me to pick you up. He has already booked a table tonight at the Pearl Couples Restaurant.”

After she ended the call, she wandered out in low spirits, but she didn’t notice that someone followed her closely from behind.

When she came to a corner and prepared to look for a washroom to change her clothes, someone suddenly grabbed hold of her shoulders.


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