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My Dreamy Old Husband novel Chapter 203

Sophia craned her neck and saw three photos showing two women and one man respectively. The man looked bright, gallant, and heroic in military uniform. One of the two ladies was also dressed in military uniform, whereas the other was gorgeously dressed. That woman happened to be Elizabeth, who was Michael’s mother and the only person Sophia could identify out of the three.

Sophia still knew nothing about Michael’s family background; she only knew that he was Nathan’s uncle and that Elizabeth was his mother, but she didn’t know who his father was. Michael probably had a sister who gave birth to Nathan, but Sophia didn’t know who she was as well.

Hale had once told her that she mustn’t ask about Michael and Nathan’s family background; it was an absolute taboo in this house. Therefore, Sophia had always refrained from asking questions regarding this subject.

If her guess was right, the three photos displayed on the table right now must be Michael’s parents and his sister.

Hale had disclosed a little bit of Michael’s personal information to her—Michael’s name was given by his father, whereas ‘Taylor’ was the name his mother had originally given him.

Sophia thought that Michael’s father must have loved his wife very, very deeply. After all, not every man was willing to let his spouse name their son after her maiden name.

Marrying a p*rnstar must have been very difficult at that time—let alone for a military family like the Fletchers…

Michael spent the entire afternoon drinking like a fish in the living room all by himself.

The family of three had their reunion dinner that evening before watching the snow from the enclosed balcony suspended from the rooftop. Fireworks were on display in the night sky, celebrating the countdown to the new year in Bayside City that night. Sophia had her binoculars ready to watch the fireworks while watching the New Year Dinner Gala on TV to relieve her boredom.

Watching the New Year Dinner Gala on TV was boring, but it had—like the reunion dinner—become a yearly tradition. The Dinner Gala’s program this year was still as uninteresting as always; if her Lord hadn’t been sitting by her side, Sophia would have fallen asleep a long time ago.


It was still hours before the countdown when Michael suddenly stood up and put on his clothes. He left home and said, “I’m going out to take care of something, but I’ll be back before the countdown.”

Shortly after that, Sophia heard the sound of a car starting up coming from downstairs; Michael had left in his SUV.


What could he have possibly planned during the New Year? Is he going to meet his lover? Sophia thought to herself. Yeah, now that he has so many lovers, he may not even come back tonight. If it weren’t for the fact that Nathan is still in this house, he probably wouldn’t even come home—let alone celebrate the New Year with me.

As she thought about it, Sophia felt as though all the fireworks in Bayside City had faded into insignificance. All the wonderful things in this world paled in comparison to the moment Michael looked back at her with a smile. However, she knew that she would never be the only person he smiled at.

Now that her Lord was gone, Sophia could no longer keep her spirits up. Feeling drowsy, she sank into the large, round sofa on the balcony while Nathan quietly dug up his Bitcoins at one side.

Suddenly, a voice brimming with passion came out of nowhere as it said, “Now, Taylor and Ethan will bring us a song named ‘Dilemma’!”

“Where is he? Where is he?” asked Sophia. Waking up with a start, she looked to her left and right but did not see Michael at all. As it turned out, the voice was coming from the television.

Moving closer to the TV screen, she was surprised to see Michael—who had been talking to her just an hour ago—appearing at the New Year Dinner Gala at that very moment. Not only that, he was also singing on stage with Ethan while dressed in stylish clothes!

As the music began, his heavenly singing voice flowed out of the ultra-thin TV. “Having written his name on my left hand and the word ‘Love’ on my right, I clasp my hands together as a vague sorrow overwhelms me. How is my decision going to hurt…”


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