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My Dreamy Old Husband novel Chapter 56

Sophia could tell at first glance that Bayside University was dead serious.

The stony-faced drill instructors marched in step as they lined up in teams. One could tell at first glance that they were no ordinary soldiers, for they were identically tough and muscular in build, and their identically expressionless faces carried a seemingly replicated air of intimidation and sternness.

Contrary to the military training in high schools, which usually had ordinary two-year conscripts or military school students as their drill instructors, Bayside University’s drill instructors were all special forces.

Bayside University’s military training was notorious for its uncompromising strictness, for many students of the university failed their military training every year. If a freshman failed the military training, he or she would lose a lot of credit and end up having to redouble efforts over the next four years to make up for it.

Intimidated by the oppressive atmosphere in the military training, the freshmen trembled with fear, whereas the sophomores threw them gloating looks as they passed by.

Even though a year had passed since their military training, the sophomores still had a terrified look in their eyes when they saw the campus being covered in olive-drab, for the scene conjured up their fear of being dominated by the color.

All freshmen of the university must go for military training except for students of Junior Class. However, Nathan volunteered to attend the military training.

Since the campus was in complete chaos, Sophia kept the little Nathan by her side lest he wandered off. Gary had told Michael’s men in the military training camp beforehand about Nathan, so they would pay him special attention.

The military power of Bayside City was in the hands of the Fletcher Family, which was also the family who was in direct charge of this military training. Sophia had long been suspecting that Michael was related to the Fletcher Family, so she believed she didn’t have to worry much about Nathan, who would be on his home turf by joining the military training camp.

As Sophia led Nathan in search of their troop, they saw Richard and the few others. Xyla, who was wearing an army uniform that failed to conceal the diamond watch on her wrist and the partly visible diamond necklace on her chest, seemed extremely reluctant to part with Richard as she threw herself into his arms while sobbing. Kayla stood aside with her hands full of bags as if she wanted to go camping in the woods.


Contrary to Sophia’s expectations, Kayla was also dressed in army uniform.

The university would send some lecturers and sophomore students to chaperone the freshmen at every military training. These lecturers and sophomore students were responsible for dealing with the unforeseen circumstances involving students of their own faculties, such as buying drinks after the end of training sessions and sending collapsed girls to the infirmary.

Richard saw Sophia at a glance as the latter walked past them with Nathan. He called in a friendly voice, “Sophia!”

Sophia paused in her tracks and asked in reply, “Is there something, Richard?”

Richard’s eyes brightened at the sight of Sophia in army uniform. “The military training is harsh. Did you bring enough things with you? I have a lot of medications for heatstroke here…”

“Thank you, but I have no need for that,” replied Sophia before leaving with Nathan.

Richard had a wistful look in his eyes as he stared at her back.

After Sophia and Nathan had walked away, Nathan, who had been silent, suddenly said, “He’s disgusting…”

Sophia nodded. “Yeah, he’s quite disgusting.”

All the freshmen assembled in the several playing fields of the campus. After they lined up according to their classes, they were divided into groups.

The number of students in most of Bayside University’s classes was limited to forty. Each class was a company, and over ten companies constituted a battalion, whereas several battalions formed a regiment.

The students undergoing military training were divided into several regiments headed by their respective company commanders, battalion commanders, and regimental commanders, whereas the regimental commanders were subordinate to the commanding general.

It was said that the commanding general held the military rank of Senior Colonel, and he was a Fletcher, as in the Fletchers of Bayside City’s Four Great Families.

Sophia learned these from Hale in advance so that she wouldn’t cause trouble during her military training.


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