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My Dreamy Old Husband novel Chapter 78

Since when have I reconciled with Richard? Although it’s possible for me to jump back into a previous relationship, I’m also clear that there’s no use crying over spilled milk—I feel disgusted just by thinking about our past relationship.

Sean winked and held the bowl with his thumb and middle finger, feigning grace. “You don’t have to pretend anymore; the entire barrack already knows that you and Richard stayed over at the infirmary last night.

Not only do we know that the two of you have spent a night together, somebody even spotted him bringing you to the infirmary!”

Hmm? Was Richard at the infirmary last night too? Sophia had no idea about this because she had been sound asleep at that time. Moreover, the barracks’ infirmary was not just a single room; it was an independent building.

The infirmary was almost equivalent to a hospital as the building had five floors with dozens of wards. Last night, Sophia had even stayed at the finest single ward which came with air-conditioning. However, she really had no idea about the rumors between her and Richard.

Michael must’ve been the one who brought me to the infirmary. Heck, Michael and Richard don’t even resemble each other—one of them is a complete gentleman who I can’t even bring myself to bully, whereas the other one is just a useless piece of trash. Whoever mistook them for one another should get their eyes checked.

Sophia tried to explain herself and said, “Nothing happened between me and him. Last night, I was admitted to the infirmary because I was sick. I can prove this with my medical leave certificate.”

However, Sarah simply arched her brow; her eyes longed for more gossip. “Stop making up more excuses. Everyone knows that Zane brought you to the infirmary last night. If it wasn’t him, who else would it be?”

Sophia was unwilling to back down. “I can’t remember who it was. Last night, I did not have a clear head because I got sick all of a sudden. It must’ve been a good Samaritan who took me to the infirmary, and my son followed me all the way. Am I right, Nate?”

Nathan nodded with a long face. He had asked for Sophia to be put in a first-class ward last night; he was planning to stay there overnight because it came with air-conditioning, a television, and a computer.


However, Michael shut the door and locked him out of the room in the end. He then accompanied Sophia Edwards the entire night and only left early the next morning.

He’s forgotten about me after getting himself a wife. Nathan was extremely unhappy because of this.

Sarah tilted her head and laughed. “Stop pretending—I can even see your hickeys from here. Can you explain to me where you got them from?”

Sophia covered the hickeys on her chest calmly and said, “It’s just your illusion.”

Sean was shaking with laughter as he covered his mouth with his hands. With that, Sophia gave up explaining the situation to them because she knew that there was no use.

Just as Sarah was about to say something else, she saw Richard and Xyla approaching them. The couple looked as though they were heading to their table. With their trays of food, they intentionally sat at the table next to Sophia.

Not only were they sitting together intimately, but Xyla even laughed shyly as she played with Richard. Her actions and blushed face made her look like a well-protected fairy, and she emanated a blissful aura that only a woman in a relationship would have.

She greeted Sophia, “What a coincidence, Sophia!”

Sophia nodded drily and said with zero emotion, “Mm, what a coincidence.”


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